My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 165 Death Penalty!

Chapter 165 Death Penalty!

"What about this ship?" Ling Tian asked.

"Leave it to Fei Yu."

After all, Di Wushang took Ling Tian to fly over the lake, then flew into the dense forest ahead, and disappeared.

A cluster of flames suddenly ignited in Fei Yu's hands. The inside of the flame was milky white, but the outside was dark blue.

Dan fire!

Although Mo Chengtian has never seen a dark blue pill fire, but from the milky white flame core, it can be seen that the cluster of flames condensed by the flying feathers is the symbol of the pill fire!
A first-rank alchemist is a red pill fire, so could it be that the man named Fei Yu in front of him is a second-rank or above alchemist?
Oh my god!

What kind of perverts is he hanging out with?
Under Mo Chengtian's shock, a cruise ship was burned to ashes in an instant, even the bottom part of the boat submerged in the water was not spared from the incineration of the pill fire.

"You, are you an alchemist?"

"Huh?" Fei Yu reacted, nodded and said, "Yeah."

"How many products?"

"Fifth grade, I'm usually bored and practicing for fun." Fei Yu was a little ashamed, most afraid of being asked such an embarrassing question.Because this level of alchemy doesn't match his own strength at all!Such a low level can only show that Fei Yu is a person who has no talent for alchemy at all.


However, Mo Chengtian was taken aback by Fei Yu's answer, he couldn't sit still, and fell from his seat to the ground.

Five grades!

Still practicing and playing!
People are more popular than dead people!
The sun was setting, and the food was fragrant in the escort flag camp in the north.The cook had finished the meal and just waited for the soldiers to cook.

Ever since the Ling family army was stationed in the escort flag camp, the soldiers here have repeatedly provoked them.

However, under Mu Jianping's strong suppression, the Ling family's army acted like a tiger-wolf division, which made the soldiers of the escort flag battalion dare not be presumptuous any longer.

It is clearly the army of one country, but it gives people a feeling of two camps, hostile.

Ouyang Yu sat on the edge of the bed with a gloomy face, his hands were wrapped in bandages and hung up, and he asked sharply, "Is the food ready?"

"Report to Deputy Commander, it's already done."

"Hmph, good. Then let's eat!"


With the sound of gongs beating, the soldiers who had practiced for a day happily prepared dinner.

Under the leadership of Mu Jianping, the Ling family army lined up behind the soldiers of the escort flag camp in a very disciplined manner.

There are only 100 cavalry in the Guard Flag Battalion, which is not a large number, but they seem to be deliberately wasting time. [-] windows were open at the same time, but there was no line for Ling Jiajun for half a day.

After finally getting in line, Mu Jianping glanced at a rotten steamed bun in his hand, and the porridge with little water in the clear soup and almost no rice grains in the bowl, and asked, "Is this your meal?"

The cook who was in charge of scooping up the rice tapped the aluminum spoon on the basin a few times, and glanced at Mu Jianping, who was wearing a training uniform, and thought he was an ordinary soldier, arrogant He said, "This is all the food in the dart flag camp. If you want to eat, you can eat it, and if you don't eat it, you can get out!"



With a scream, the cook was kicked out by Mu Jianping.

" dare you beat someone in the barracks! Death penalty! This is death penalty!"

"Yes, come here, kill him for me! We can kill this kind of barracks scum first!"

The soldiers of the escort flag battalion received instructions from the deputy commander at noon, and there was no need for them to back down once the Ling family's troops were violent.

"I see who dares!"

(End of this chapter)

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