My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 166 You dare!

Chapter 166 You dare!

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and the soldiers of the Guard Flag Camp changed their colors one after another.

The visitor looked at the dinner in the hands of a Ling family soldier with a gloomy face, snatched it from his hand, and walked to the cook who was kicked to the ground.

The cook's complexion turned ashen as the man walked towards him.

"Is this the food of the Guard Flag Camp?"

"Command... Master Command!"

"So in your eyes, Ouyang Yu is the leader?"

"No... it's not!"

"Since it's not, then what the Commander told you this morning, you all took it as a fart?"


"No? Then who is the pig food for these pigs? Who allowed you to do this?"

The cook's complexion turned ashen. He never expected that the Commander, who had clearly been dismissed by the First Prince and was about to leave for half a month, would come back again?

"Don't listen to orders, cholera army morale, stir up disputes!"

After the commander's voice fell, the cook's head had already rolled to the ground.

The commander clasped his fists at Mu Jianping and said, "General Mu, this is Duan Li, the commander of the Escort Flag Battalion. The humiliation that Ouyang Yu, the deputy general of the Escort Flag Battalion brought to the Ling Family Army today, will surely seek justice for the Ling Family Army."

Mu Jianping had a good impression of the upright commander with a Chinese character face in front of him, so he clasped his fists and said, "Then there will be a commander in chief."

"You're welcome. That's how it should be!"

After finishing speaking, Duan Li grabbed the head of the cook on the ground and walked towards Ouyang Yu's camp.

Ouyang Yu was reclining on the bed with a sluggish breath at this moment, her heart was full of resentment towards Ling Tian.

It has been more than half a day, but he has not found his detained family members.Coupled with the dizzy pain coming from his arm, Ouyang Yu wished he could go directly to the palace at this moment and tear Ling Tian, ​​a bitch, to pieces.


The door was suddenly blasted open from the outside and collapsed to the ground.

Ouyang Yu was so frightened that she rubbed herself off the bed, but it caused a sharp pain in her arm.

In the midst of darkness, someone threw something at him.

Ouyang Yu subconsciously grabbed it with her right hand, and after a closer look, it turned out to be a human head, and she threw it to the ground in fright.

"Duan Li, you..."


Ouyang Yu was about to scold the visitor, but was kicked away by the visitor.Coupled with the injury on his hand, he couldn't stand up for a while.

"Duan Li, you dare to hurt me! The princess will never let you go!"

"Little boy! This is the emperor's bodyguard camp, are you sure you want to use the princess to dominate?"

"Even if you are the leader, what right do you have to hit me?"

"I'm not only qualified to hit you, I'm also qualified to kill you! Kill first and play later!"

" dare!"

"Look if I dare!"

After finishing speaking, Duan Li drew his sword and slashed at Ouyang Yu.

Ouyang Yu was so frightened that he ran away quickly, sweating profusely.

"Commander Duan has a bright future, so why bother with such a villain?"

Mu Jianping, who was watching a good show at the door, admired Duan Li's approach very much, and spoke to dissuade him.

"This commander specially greeted the people from the Bodyguard Flag Camp yesterday, and told them to treat the Ling family army well. Fortunately, the emperor issued an order to recruit this commander back. Otherwise, once the Ling family army fights with the bodyguard flag camp, blood will flow like a river. Stop? It's all this little boy who relies on a woman for his position! This commander will eliminate harm for the people today and kill him!"

"Commander Duan!"

"you dare!"

Mu Jianping and Ouyang Yu exited at the same time. Mu Jianping took a look at Ouyang Yu and kicked him away.

(End of this chapter)

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