My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 223 The Queen's Ending

Chapter 223 The Queen's Ending
Even if he is a ghost, he has to be a ghost.

He didn't understand why his throne, which he was sure of, turned out like this in the end and lost so completely?
Asked by Yan Chengye, Mo Chengtian had a happy smile on his face.

"Originally, you did win, but Wan Binhai offended Sister Tian'er, locked her in a prison, and met Ben Gong."

Yan Chengye swallowed a breath, and continued to ask unwillingly: "But even if you met her, how about your face and your injuries? You know, from her arrest of Wan Binhai to her entry into the palace, but More than ten days. Your injury may not heal even in a year, right?"

Mo Chengtian looked at Ling Tian and smiled slightly.

Yan Chengye also turned his head to look at Ling Tian.

Seeing this, Yan Chengye's eyes straightened.

" are an alchemist?!"

At this moment, Ling Tian's palm was facing upwards.On her palm, a group of red flames were burning.In the center of the flame, there is a milky white fire core, which is the symbol of Dan fire!


The whole palace was in an uproar in an instant.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

Who said that the eldest lady of the Protectorate's Mansion is a good-for-nothing?

Have you ever seen a 16-year-old who can not only instantly kill a sixth-level spiritual master, but also be a waste material for alchemists?
If such people are useless, then what are they?

This god-like existence in the mainland is known as the alchemist who is God's darling!

Look at the fire in someone's hand, it is burning so fiercely that you are not afraid of being burned!
Alchemists, it is said that there are only two alchemists in Qing Mingzong in the whole continent.And the reason why that sect is superior to all sects and aristocratic families is because there are two alchemists in that sect!

"So, do you understand? Are you convinced now? Sister Tian'er's level of alchemy has reached the point of perfection. She not only refines pills to heal my wounds and ruined face, she also refines Father's antidote. The poison you gave Father before has been completely dissolved by Sister Tian'er's pill before today's dinner."

Yan Chengye looked at Ling Tian for a long time, and suddenly burst out laughing.

He is not willing!

He is really not reconciled!

Originally, he was very secure in the throne, and it was because Princess Mingyue said that he could help him solve the only unstable factor of the Ling family army, so he became an enemy of the Ling family and Ling Tian.

Who knows, one wrong step, one step at a time.

This Ling Tian was like an untouchable hornet's nest, with just a light poke, he died without a place to bury him.

He is really not reconciled!

If he knew that Ling Tian couldn't move, why would he bother to move Ling Tian?
Isn't it good to let her stay in Weeping City?
"Drag this evil seed and the remnants of the Yan family down to fight and die."

Yan Chengye was still laughing when he was dragged down.But anyone could see the tears in his eyes.I don't know whether to be angry or sad.

However, it would be really unlucky for him to go against the Ling family.

And the queen was already limp there.

She had nothing to look forward to.

All of her relatives have died, leaving only a nominal husband.

But this man is a poisonous snake lurking beside her.

In order to kill her, he spent 28 years devising a huge conspiracy.Just to make her suffer the heaviest blow at the moment of withering life.

This kind of life, alive, is better than dead.

(End of this chapter)

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