Chapter 224

The eldest prince's plot was revealed and he was shot to death on the spot.The Yan family also completely withdrew from the stage of history.

The ministers who were not optimistic about the crown prince in the past, but were on the side of the eldest prince, all of them regretted it now.

Especially the group of people who had always been pro-imperialists before, but when they saw the situation was one-sided, they suddenly turned their backs, and they regretted it at this moment.

Some of the ministers who were already standing on the main hall, but at the back, seemed inconspicuous positions, when they found out that the imperial guards were not used by the eldest prince, and the prince was still alive and well, they prepared to sneak back own position.

Unexpectedly, their every move was seen by the imperial guards on the side.

Those ministers who wanted to sneak back to their seats were all blocked by the imperial guards.

Knowing that the situation is over, these people all knelt on the ground in remorse, hoping to be dealt with leniently.

"The ministers invited by me to the banquet today are all the pillars of the imperial court of my country of Mo. It's just that I didn't even die, and you can't wait to vote for a new monarch.

Originally, I should have killed you as a warning to others.But because today is the crown prince's birthday, I pardon you all! "

"Thank you for the grace of the emperor not to kill, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The ministers kneeling in the center of the hall were all relieved, and all of them were beaming with joy.

"However, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped. Since you have betrayed me and the country of Mo, you are no longer qualified to be the ministers of the country of Mo, and you are even less qualified to enjoy the glory, power and wealth bestowed on you by the country of Mo. status.

Immediately, all valuable money and items on these people and their families will be searched and directly driven out of the capital, and all property seized will be confiscated. "

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty is merciful!"

"I beg your Majesty to be merciful!"

"Your Majesty, this is no different from killing us!"


All the ministers, as well as their family members, were kneeling on the ground at this moment, with expressions worse than death.

This is really worse than killing them directly!
Not only will their mansions be searched, but even the banknotes they carry with them will be confiscated, so how can they survive?
"Who said just now that this is no different from killing you?"

Everyone looked at a person, and this person happened to be known to Ling Tian. It was Song Zhijie, the one who betrayed Emperor Mo, hooked up with the First Prince, and conspired with Wan Binhai in Mingyue City to exchange the fake prince for the real one.

"Originally, there were too many things, and I had already forgotten that you are such a stump. Since you feel that there is no difference between being alive and dead, then I will obey you. Come, drag Song Zhijie and his family out, and behead them for public display."

"Your Majesty, spare your life! I know my mistake! I know my mistake..."

Song Zhijie really regretted it at this moment.

If I had known earlier, he would have stopped talking!
Compared with having no money, he is really more afraid of dying.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world.

"Who else thinks there is no difference between being dead and being alive?" Mo Huang asked.



There was an eerie silence.

"Since that's the case, let's do this. Drag all these people who are an eyesore to me, so as not to dirty the carpet of this hall."

Everyone: ... =_=! !
With so many dead, the carpet is really too dirty to be buried.

"Report to the Emperor, the Commander of the Escort Banner Battalion is seeking an audience outside the hall."


Soon, Duan Li, the commander of the escort flag battalion, dragged a dead dog in.

(End of this chapter)

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