Chapter 228
"This is just a place to clear away idlers and others. The crown prince's birthday banquet is held in the Hongguang Hall. Now, please move to the Hongguang Hall to start today's real banquet."

Crowd: ...

The banquet before Ganqing was designed to kill people?

Even if it is such a cheating, the ministers are all happy in their hearts.

Originally, some ministers with higher official positions wanted to take this opportunity to flirt with Ling Jian and Ling Tian on the road.Especially Ling Tian, ​​those who have unmarried sons and sisters in their families at this moment, all wish to see Ling Tian as their daughter-in-law and grand-daughter-in-law, it is really pleasing to the eye no matter how they look at it.

However, Emperor Mo was in parallel with Ling Jian immediately.

Prince Mo Chengtian also took the opportunity to talk to Ling Tian.

Looking at the couple walking side by side like a golden boy and jade girl, and the tenderness on the prince's face when he faced Miss Ling, the ministers who had just raised their thoughts immediately put these thoughts into their stomachs, and never Dare not reveal a point.

Only at this moment did they remember that the crown prince has not married a wife until now, and the dynasty has not yet had a crown princess.

And Ling Tian, ​​not only has a strong family background, but also a martial arts prodigy who can instantly kill a sixth-level spirit master, and is also an alchemist who can only be found in the sky but not in the world.

Not to mention the young masters of their family, even the crown prince, he is only barely worthy of the other party.

Miss Ling, that useless and dandy first-grade lady who was once despised by Man Chao's civil and martial arts, is already an existence that they can't afford to aspire to at this moment.

The new banquet hall is not as big as before, but it can be seen that it is really carefully arranged.

Food and wine, everything you expect.The killing just now seemed to have never existed at all.

"Your Majesty, I have something to announce."

Mo Huang glanced at the prime minister in the audience, waved his hand and said: "Old prime minister, today is the crown prince's birthday, and it has already delayed a lot of time for fun, so let's leave your performance tomorrow morning."

The old prime minister didn't listen, and insisted on saying, "Today is His Royal Highness's birthday. On such a day of great joy, all the ministers must be willing to see things that are more joyful than joyful."

After the prime minister's words fell, although Ling Tian's expression remained unchanged, Ling Jian's expression changed.

At the same time, Emperor Mo and the prince followed the changes.

What did the prime minister want to say, who is not a human being present?Who would have guessed?

"Prime Minister."

Emperor Mo interrupted the prime minister again and said: "Now that the internal worries of the Mo country have been cleared away, the only thing left is the foreign enemies. Now I only hope that the Ling family army can quickly eliminate the worries of the foreign enemies."

Prime Minister: ... At this moment, as the veteran of the three or two dynasties, the prime minister also realized something was wrong, and hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "Yes. In the country of Mo, we have the Ling family and the Ling family army. The country will be peaceful and the people will be safe, and the weather will be smooth."

Emperor Mo nodded, and continued to speak: "However, the Prime Minister just said that happiness is added to happiness, and I suddenly remembered that there seems to be a granddaughter in your house who has not yet left the cabinet?"

When the prime minister heard it, he understood something, his eyes lit up and he said, "I have a little granddaughter who is just 16 years old now."

"Is there a marriage?"

"No!" The Prime Minister replied quickly.

"Did you bring your little granddaughter here today?"


After all, under the signal of the prime minister, a woman in a light pink dress, Tingting, came up gracefully and saluted Emperor Mo and the prince respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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