Chapter 229

"Your Majesty, this is Weichen's little granddaughter named Qi Yulan,"

"Yes." Mo Huang nodded in satisfaction.

"The prince is not young anymore. Before, I didn't dare to find a wife for him casually, which took him so long. Now, are you willing to marry me as an in-law?"

When the prime minister heard this, he quickly knelt down with Qi Yulan and thanked Long En.

Qi Yulan's face was so red that she could almost bleed, and she looked at the prince with eyes full of deep admiration.

But looking back at the prince, he looked at Ling Tian at this moment, with bitterness on his face.

The love and reluctance that almost overflowed in those eyes made everyone feel strange.

Why is Miss Ling so nice and the prince likes it so much, but the emperor doesn't let the prince and Miss Ling be together?

Could it be that the big tree attracts the wind, and the emperor is going to destroy the Ling family?

For a moment, the ministers who had been toasting to Ling Jian stopped all interactions with Ling Jian instantly.

Seeing the crown prince looking at Ling Tian with sadness and admiration, Qi Yulan, the prime minister's little granddaughter, looked at Ling Tian with eyes full of envy and hatred.

A young lady who is about to be dealt with by Emperor Mo, what qualifications does she have to stand shoulder to shoulder with the future queen?

"Father, change to another one. My son doesn't like her."

Mo Chengtian spoke suddenly, and his words made all the ministers petrified, and the prime minister was a little embarrassed.

As for Qi Yulan, her complexion turned from red to livid, and then to ashes.The whole person wanted to cry.

Just imagine, knowing that you will reach the pinnacle of your life in the next moment, but the things you have already obtained are instantly wiped out. Who can accept this kind of fucking mood?
"Prince, why is this? Didn't you promise your father to marry Miss Qi?"

Just when everyone thought that the crown prince was going to bring out Miss Ling, and that Miss Ling would not marry, a sentence that shocked everyone came out of the crown prince's mouth.

"Because just now Qi Yulan thought she was going to become the Crown Princess, and was unreasonable to Sister Tian'er. She not only stared at her, but also shot out hatred in her eyes. How can the emperor let my son accept her for such a woman?"

Everyone: ... ( ̄▽ ̄)! !
Even because of this? ?

Prime Minister: ...! ! !
At this moment, the old prime minister was in a bad mood.Kneeling there, I don't know what to say at all.

After Qi Yulan heard Mo Chengtian's words, she regretted so much that her intestines were green, she quickly kowtowed and said, "Your Highness, I don't have a courtier. How can a courtier hate Miss Ling?"


After Qi Yulan finished speaking, the cold snort that greeted her was not from the prince, but from Emperor Mo.

"Prime Minister, it seems that your direct granddaughter has not kept up with the education issue. What kind of thing is she, does she have the right to hate Tian'er?"

Let alone Qi Yulan now, even the Prime Minister's face was instantly pale with fright, and he lost all strength.

"Yes! It is the old minister who is not good, and the son is not good! I also ask the emperor to make amends!"

"It's just a woman who hasn't become a crown princess yet. If you really become a crown princess and a future queen, wouldn't the Mo country be turned into a mess by you?"

How could Qi Yulan, a young lady in a boudoir, have ever withstood the majesty of the emperor?The whole person was so frightened that he was trembling on the ground, unable to crawl.

"Prime Minister, originally I thought you were the elder of the two dynasties, and your two sons also have a solid foundation in the dynasties, so I wanted to become relatives with you. But..."


(End of this chapter)

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