Chapter 232
If she hadn't glared at Ling Tian just now, she would already be the Queen of Mo Country now.

At this moment, Qi Yulan knew very well in her heart that the reason why the emperor chose Qi Yujie's unreliable thing was to tell everyone that if the queen of the Mo country was not Ling Tian, ​​then he could let anyone do it.

Even a concubine!
And Qi Yujie knew this fact very well.

During the subsequent pleasantries, Qi Yujie just nodded kindly to Ling Tian to show her friendship.

She knew that although she was already the future queen of the Mo country, in the heart of the emperor, her status was incomparable to Ling Tian's.

But so what?

Originally, as a concubine, she could only be a stepping stone for the family, and it was just the fate of whoever betrothed her to in the future.Unexpectedly, because of Ling Tian, ​​she became the Queen of Mo Country.

So for Ling Tian, ​​she is grateful.

Although there was nothing wrong with Ling Tian.From the beginning to the end, she didn't say a word.

In Emperor Mo's reluctance, Ling Jian resigned from the post of general, but Mo Chengtian blindly named Ling Tian the eldest princess of the Mo country, his younger sister.

Facing Mo Chengtian's resentment, Ling Tian did not refuse.

She had no way to respond to Mo Chengtian's love, so she could only accept Mo Chengtian's wish and become the princess of the Mo country.

It could be seen that the two most saddened people in the whole banquet were none other than the Emperor Mo Chengtian and Qi Yulan, the concubine of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Sister Tian'er, are you really not going to stay in the capital for a few more days?" Mo Chengtian looked at Ling Tian eagerly, with reluctance in his eyes.

Ling Tian shook his head and said, "No, Uncle Ling and I will set off to return to Weeping City tomorrow. After the crisis in the country of Chen is resolved, I want to take a look at the outside world."

Mo Chengtian nodded.

Although he knew before that Ling Tian and the others were going to leave, but after the dust settled, when facing parting, only he could understand the pain of his almost broken heart.

"Don't be like this, you are the emperor now. What's more, Uncle Ling and I will come back in the future."

Facing Ling Tian's enlightenment, Mo Chengtian squeezed out a forced smile and nodded.

Will you come back after leaving?
Even if he will come back, he will come back for a few days after many years and then leave again, right?
Mo Chengtian glanced at the man who had been following Ling Tian since he changed the banquet hall.

He must be someone from the outside world, right?
Thinking of Ling Tian standing with him, the appearance of a talented girl, a golden boy and a jade girl, Mo Chengtian felt powerless for a while.

"Sister Tian'er, no matter how far you go in the future, Mo Country will always be your home. If you are tired, bullied, or unhappy outside, come back. As long as you come back..."

Mo Chengtian just wanted to say, as long as you come back, no matter how soon you come back, the Queen of the Mo country will be yours.Before he could say anything, Ling Tian snatched him away.

"Don't worry, for a woman like me, I'm the only one who bullies others, and no one bullies me. I will never suffer from being bullied."

Now that she has Phoenix, and now that she has decided to leave, she doesn't want to leave Mo Chengtian with any thoughts.

Mo Chengtian's eyes turned red slightly, and the sadness in his heart was unbearable.

But someone behind Ling Tian raised the corners of his lips happily at this moment.

His little princess, it was too late for him to love her, so how could he bully her?

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(End of this chapter)

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