My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 233 The Falling Head

Chapter 233 The Falling Head

Although Mo Chengtian is a good man, it's a pity that he is too weak.His little princess will soar in the sky with him in the future, flying hand in hand, standing at the pinnacle of this continent.It is not something that can be restrained by a mere Mexican country.

On the outskirts of Weeping City, Ling Tian walked into a courtyard, and the guards of the Ling family opened the door.

Pei Qianhuan, Ouyang Chun, Ouyang Mi and Pei Zhan were imprisoned inside.

Since they were imprisoned, they have never seen Ling Tian again.Now that a month has passed, the scar is almost healed, and several people have forgotten the pain.

Seeing Ling Tian, ​​Pei Qianhuan and Ouyang Mi rushed to speak loudly:
"Ling Tian, ​​you bitch, hurry up and untie us. Let me tell you, if you dare to hurt us again, neither the princess nor the eldest prince will let you go!"

"Ling Tian, ​​those who know the current affairs are heroes. Since you came to us today, we are not afraid to tell you that the eldest prince's succession is a certainty. With or without your Ling family army, he will be the next Emperor Mo. Hurry up if you are sensible. Let us go, and then Madam Ben can give you a good death!"


Facing the two women who had been chattering at her as soon as they entered the door, Ling Tian didn't bother to talk nonsense to them, so he directly opened a package and threw out the contents.

After a bloody thing with black hair rolled to the ground, it rolled twice on the ground, leaving a bloodstain.

After seeing clearly what that round thing was, Ouyang Chun, who was silent at the side, fainted from fright.

Pei Qianhuan and Ouyang Mi screamed directly.


"Ling Tian, ​​you miserable bitch, you actually killed my son!"

"elder brother--!"

"Ling Tian, ​​do you know who my son is? How dare you kill him! You are dead! You are dead!"

Pei Qianhuan didn't care much about her two daughters, but she devoted all her love to Ouyang Yu.

After all, the Ouyang family's success depends entirely on Ouyang Yu.

But now, Ouyang Yu is dead.

This also means that she will no longer have a backer in the future.

Facing Pei Qianhuan's scream, Ling Tian sneered and said, "Dead? Do you think the emperor of your country Chen will kill me just because of a secret guard or a spy, and will never stop dying with me?"


Pei Qianhuan and Ouyang Chun, who were screaming, stopped screaming in an instant and looked at Ling Tian in horror.

"Ling Tian, ​​what do you mean?" Ouyang Mi asked tremblingly.

"It means literally!" Ling Tian replied.

"Oh, there is one more thing I haven't told you. The first prince you mentioned, he and the empress have been killed with a stick. And the princess Mingyue who was next to Ouyang Yu, the emperor gave her a white silk, and now she is also dead. It's gone forever."

"No no! Impossible! You must have lied to me! This head does not belong to my son! The queen is from the Yan family, and the Yan family is one of the eight great families in the Hunyuan Continent. Once..."

Before Pei Qianhuan could finish speaking, Ling Tian had already opened his mouth and said, "I have killed the Generalissimo of the Yan family, the head of the Yan family, the old head of the family, nine elders, and the elder Taishang have been killed by Uncle Ling."

"No...impossible! I don't believe it!"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. The important thing is that the Eldest Prince has completely fallen, and your Ou family's plan to bring down the Ling family with the help of the Eldest Prince has come to nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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