My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 235 Childish Ghost

Chapter 235 Childish Ghost

As for the poisoning of the Ling family's army and the people, if my people can't prepare antidote prescriptions for low-level poisons, I still have many high-level antidote elixirs here.In short, it can ensure that the Ling family army and the people are safe and sound. "

Being held by Di Wushang's big hand, Ling Tian suddenly felt that he was surrounded by a thick warmth.

It seemed that no matter what happened, the powerful man in front of her could help her to smooth out all the difficulties.

While his heart was warm, Ling Tian shook his head.

"You said that the elixir on your body is a high-grade detoxification elixir, and it must have been hard-won. Now that I am an alchemist, as long as I can know what kind of poison they are poisoned, I will be able to configure them medicine."

"Then you mean..."

"I'm going to Weeping City now. Do you have a means of transportation?"

"Xiao Qi is here." Di Wushang questioned a little late: "How are you going to tell your Uncle Ling about this? After all, he doesn't want us to get in touch. Once you know that you have returned to Weeping City in advance, you will see me behind his back Things can’t be hidden.”

Ling Tian laughed out loud, "Why do I feel that you are more nervous than me about this matter? Are you afraid of my Uncle Ling?"

Seeing Ling Tian laughing heartlessly, Di Wushang felt a little helpless.

"Isn't he your uncle? I should respect too, shouldn't I?"

Ling Tian's heart skipped a beat.

This man, he is so powerful and domineering, but he is the only one who is cautious about her.Not only did he take good care of her safety, but he also took care of the relatives around her.

Although he has never been in a relationship, Ling Tian knows that Di Wushang really cares about her.

"It's okay. Uncle Ling just doesn't let me have any contact with you in private. When he asks, I'll say that your people came to Mo Country to find me."

Ling Tian's answer made Di Wushang very satisfied, after all her little princess was on his side no matter what.

"If you trust me so much, you are not afraid that I will kidnap you one day?"

"Then you must sell me to a man who is better than you. He has to be better-looking than you, treat me better than you, and be stronger than you!"

Di Wushang's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he snorted coldly close to Ling Tian's ear: "It's a good idea! Besides, there will never be another man in this world who treats you better than me!"

Feeling the hot air spraying on his ears, Ling Tian's cheeks became slightly hot, and without waiting for the jealous jar to say anything more, he grabbed his hand and said, "Let's go."

But even after Ling Tian walked two steps away, he felt that the person behind him couldn't even pull him.Turning around and looking at the man with a stinky face behind him, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"You really want to find someone better than me?"

=_=! !
"I'm just kidding! Go away, childish!"

"In the future, it's not allowed to say such things for fun. Otherwise, if anyone dares to like you in the future, I will kill him." A certain person was not ashamed of his childish behavior at all, but took the opportunity to benefit himself.

"Got it! Violent maniac!" Ling Tian was speechless: "Di Wushang, has no one told you that you are actually naive?"

"Don't you always think I'm naive?"

"Except for me?"

"Who dares?"

"Stinky bastard!"

Looking at the little thing dragging him in front of him, the corners of Di Wushang's lips could not help but slightly twitch.

Although he was scolded as childish and stinky, Di Wushang was in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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