My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 236 The Weeping City's Danger

Chapter 236 The Weeping City's Danger
His little princess scolded him, and he felt good about scolding him.

"Di Wushang, how do we get to Weeping City?"

The girl who was holding his hand in front turned around, and Di Wushang, who was laughing foolishly in his heart, almost bumped into her without paying attention.


As soon as Di Wushang's voice fell, a man in a black suit appeared in front of Ling Tian.

"Meet Miss Ling."

Ling Tian smiled and nodded: "Xiaoqi, long time no see! I didn't even know you came to the capital."

"The subordinate has been in Weeping City, and the subordinate came to the capital only after the poisoning incident broke out."

Di Wushang said: "He just arrived when you were dealing with the Ouyang family inside."

"Xiaoqi, thank you for telling me the news at the first time."

Xiao Qi smiled embarrassedly: "Miss Ling, you are being polite, the subordinates acted according to the orders of the master."

Ling Tian glanced at Di Wushang, and swallowed his words of thanks.

Di Wushang was very happy that Ling Tian treated him differently from outsiders, and was not polite to him.

"Let's go!"

"Hey, where is Fei Yu? Don't you want to call Shang Fei Yu?"

"Let him come back with Uncle Ling."

After the words fell, a winged eagle as tall as a hill appeared in front of Ling Tian, ​​quickly rushed into the clouds, and disappeared.

This time the flying speed of the Wing Eagle was much faster than the first time before, and Ling Tian had already returned to Weeping City within an hour.

Di Wushang reappeared and had already returned to Ada's appearance.

"Miss!!! Why are you back? Where is the general?"

When Mu Jianping saw Ling Tian, ​​his face was full of shock and joy.

"Someone told me that there was an accident in Qicheng. I was not with Uncle Ling at the time, so I found someone to bring the news to Uncle Ling, and I came back first. How is it? How many people were poisoned by the Ling family army and the people? where?"

Mu Jianping was taken aback.

"Miss, do you mean that everyone is not infected with the plague, but poisoned?"

Ling Tian nodded.

Although she hasn't seen the poisoner yet, she believes in Di Wushang's words unconditionally.

"Damn it!" Mu Jianping shouted angrily, "Returning to Miss, the poisoned soldiers and people have been placed in the manor on the outskirts of the city by my subordinates, and most of the doctors in the city have been ordered by my subordinates to decoct medicine there. Miss, the person who told you that the people of Weeping City were poisoned, can he develop an antidote?"


There was a sound of sparks splashing, and a cluster of red flames appeared in Ling Tian's hands, the center of the flames was milky white.The blazing flame emitted a temperature countless times higher than that of ordinary open flames, making Mu Jianping beside him feel that his whole body was being roasted by the flames.

"Dan...Danhuo!" Mu Jianping's eyeballs almost fell off.

Why didn't he know that his young lady was also a legendary alchemist?

"Take me to the resettlement point."


"Also, send an order immediately to stop drinking all the water sources in the city."

"After the outbreak of the plague, my subordinates have asked everyone to temporarily stop drinking the water source in Weeping City. Now some people have spontaneously organized to leave the city to fetch water. Later, Weeping City will have a basic water supply."

"Yeah." Ling Tian nodded, "You've done a good job. The poison came from the water source. As long as the water supply is stopped, the toxin can be cut off from the source."

(End of this chapter)

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