My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 241 Fuck to death!

Chapter 241 Fuck to death!

However, after all, it only took her less than a month to complete the height that could only be achieved through more than ten years of hard work, which made Ling Tian couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

An hour and a half later, Ling Tian refined all the medicinal herbs needed by 6 people, and Mu Jianping also took samples of drinking water from all places in Weeping City.

While Mu Jianping was stunned, Ling Tian handed him several large pots of potion that he had refined, and then told him how to blend clean water and distribute it to the poisoned people and the Ling family army.

"Miss, leave this matter to me and General Mu." The old doctor looked at Ling Tian with burning eyes.

Just now, he had already learned from the recovered soldier that Miss Ling's family was actually a legendary alchemist.

For doctors, alchemists are undoubtedly god-like existences in their hearts.You know, in the legend, only the spirit king can emit the light of red spiritual power, and alchemists can condense the scarlet fire that can only be possessed by the spirit king level at the spirit master level, but such geniuses are rare in the whole continent. It is a rare existence.To be able to work under the alchemist's hands, even if the Ling family army didn't pay them wages in the end, they would still be willing.

"Okay." Ling Tian nodded.

Mu Jianping trusted these doctors, and Ling Tian naturally trusted them.Then leave these things to the doctors to do.And she began to continue to study the situation of hundreds of water resources.

Soon, Ling Tian verified through experiments which water sources had problems and which water sources had no problems.

In the end, according to the amount of water in the water sources, Ling Tian spent nearly an hour to prepare a sufficient amount of antidote for each of these water sources.

The plague that put Weeping City in panic was completely resolved in less than three hours after Ling Tian returned to Weeping City.

Suddenly, a jade pendant on Di Wushang's waist vibrated.

Taking out the jade pendant and pouring spiritual power into it, Fei Yu's voice resounded in Di Wushang's mind.

"My lord, are you still happy with your date with the little princess? This subordinate has no way to hold Ling Jian, he has already arrived with a high-level flying beast. Now we still have about a quarter of an hour before we can reach Weeping City from the capital city." .”

The capital is far from the city of Weeping, even if the Maxima runs non-stop, it will take five days at the fastest to reach it.

But Ling Jian's high-level spirit beast only needs a quarter of an hour.

Di Wushang frowned slightly.

He knew that when Ling Jian returned to Weeping City, his and Fei Yu's identities would soon be suspected, or even exposed directly.From now on, he will never have the opportunity to stay beside his little princess in such an open and aboveboard manner.

"Little Tian'er, do you want to kill those poisoners?" Di Wushang suddenly thought of a wicked way of dating, and asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Ling Tian didn't know why, so he nodded honestly, and said happily: "I really want to kill them!"

The two armies are at war, and the disaster is not as good as the people!

But Chen Guo's generals used such indecent methods to harm her Ling family army and the people of Qicheng.This is simply intolerable for Ling Tian who protects his shortcomings.

Di Wushang: ...=_=! !
Although I'm used to the domineering of my little things, isn't "fucking xxx" a special term for men?
But at this moment, Di Wushang couldn't control that much anymore, in order to gain more time to get along with each other, he asked with a smile: "Then how about I take you to kill them?"

(End of this chapter)

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