My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 242 For a date!

Chapter 242 For a date!

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Ling Tian's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly.

With Di Wushang, and Xiaoqi's Winged Eagle, she can come and go freely in the enemy camp. This kind of pretentious and enjoyable thing is what she likes to do the most.

"Let's go then!"

Come on, before Ling Tian came to his senses, Di Wushang had already picked her up and flew into the clouds.

Ling Tian: ...! ! !
I have only seen Di Wushang jump off the back of the winged eagle in the cloud before, not only did not fall to her death, but let her land successfully.

At that time, she felt that Di Wushang was amazing.

But now, Di Wushang took her directly into the sky!


Ling Tian stared at Di Wushang with wide eyes, slandering in his heart: This bastard is still human?

After being introduced into the cloud, Xiao Qi who is driving the winged eagle appeared, and Di Wushang put the petrified Ling Tian on the back of the winged eagle, and then broke free from the shackles of Ah Da's image, and became a handsome man in the comics again!

The strands of hair that had been tied up meticulously spread out in the air at this moment.

His silver-gray hair was shining under the moonlight, and his handsome face made Di Wushang look like an elf who had absorbed the aura of heaven and earth at this moment.

Ling Tian continued to be deeply involved in petrification, unable to extricate himself.

what to do?Her Phoenix is ​​so handsome!

So handsome that she wants to get pregnant! ! !

In Chen Guo's coach's tent, Guo Fei's face was gloomy.Even if the war is about to be won, even if it is won without a single soldier, he will not be happy.

Because just a few hours ago, when he sent troops to attack Weeping City, a person suddenly appeared from the void, and then he raised a knife and fell, killing one of his lieutenants, and splashed blood all over his face.

His lieutenant general was also a fourth-level spiritual master, and he didn't even have the power to strike in front of that person who suddenly appeared.

The point is, as a fifth-level spiritual master, he didn't even come back to God, and his deputy general was killed.Now, he just wants to go back to Chen Guo as soon as possible and get rid of that master.

"Elder Wu, three hours have passed now, the poison in Weeping City should have spread to a large area, right?"

Guo Fei looked at the gray-clothed old man beside him, his tone full of respect.

"The previous four hours were just the time for the poison to spread, but the three hours just now were enough for the spreading toxin to spread at an uncontrollable speed.

Unless they can prepare enough antidote, Weeping City will definitely turn into a dead city within two days.At that time, the general will be able to take down Weeping City without any effort. "

"I have a lot of confidence in the strength of Qing Mingzong. But Elder Wu, the master who appeared out of thin air to kill Lei Ming before, do you think he was invited by Mo Kingdom?"

Thinking of the thrilling scene three hours ago, Elder Wu's face turned ashen.

"If we were not sure before, now we are basically sure that the other party should not be from the Mexican country."

"I have the same idea as Elder Wu. If that master is really from the Mo country, and now weeping city is suffering, he must have a way to come directly to the enemy camp and coerce you and me to take out the antidote. But now we have withdrawn three soldiers. It's time, but he hasn't come yet. So he shouldn't be from the Mo country." Guo Fei also nodded in agreement.

At this moment, they didn't know at all that the master they talked about was actually just trying to make their master date for a little longer, so he deliberately didn't kill them all.

At this moment, they are still complacent.

(End of this chapter)

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