My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 243 I am your mother

Chapter 243 I am your mother
"That's right." Elder Wu also nodded and said: "So at this moment, the old man is more inclined to the latter. The master should have a personal grudge against Lei Ming, so he was the only one who killed him among thousands of troops. Otherwise, if he is from the Mo country , at that time, we will definitely be able to take down the heads of you and me at the first time. Once you and I die, the army will be leaderless, and they will be defeated without a fight. Wouldn't it be easier for them, the Mo country?"

"Since you are not from the Mo country, but just a pure vendetta, then it will be easy to handle. Once the Mo country loses the Ling family army, other soldiers who have not gone out all the year round will be nothing in the eyes of my Chen country army. This time, let me give the general a blood The great shame of Chen Guo 20 years ago.

The emperor asked us to return immediately after we wiped out the Ling family army. Now that Elder Wu is here, this general wants to seize the opportunity to take down the country of Mo in one fell swoop.Elder Wu, would you like to accompany him? "


Seeing the hesitation on Elder Wu's face, Guo Fei said: "Now that Elder Wu is in charge of poisoning and this general is in charge of attacking, we will definitely be able to take the capital of Mo Kingdom within two months and force Emperor Mo to surrender.

Wouldn't this be a great congratulatory gift to my Majesty Chen Guohuang?Presumably, the patriarch of Qing Mingzong would feel honored after knowing Elder Wu's role in the army.

From now on, I, Chen Guo, and Qing Mingzong will be relatives. Elder Wu is not only Chen Guo's benefactor, but he will also be able to write a meritorious service in Qing Mingzong's history books.This will definitely make Elder Wu's status in the Qing Mingzong skyrocket, and his future is limitless! "

After Elder Wu heard this, his eyes lit up.Just as he was about to agree to Guo Fei, a pleasant female voice came into the tent.

"You really have a good idea. Not only do you want to kill the people of Weeping City and the Ling family army, but you also want to invade the country of Mo. You know, if you die, you will have nothing!"

Guo Fei and Elder Wu in the tent looked shocked, Guo Fei shouted: "Who is it? Come out! Come! The enemy is attacking!"

Guo Fei drank loudly, and rushed out of the camp with Elder Wu with a pale face.

"Come on, come on! Are they all dead? There are enemies coming!"

However, no matter how much Guo Fei yelled, no soldier came to rescue him.Even the soldiers outside the camp were still stiff and unable to move.

"Why don't you move? Ah? Why don't you move?"

Guo Fei rushed to the soldier on duty and kicked him.

However, it didn't move at all.

"Who is your Excellency? Since you are here, why don't you show up? If we provoke you, as long as you make an opinion, we as juniors will definitely obey it. But if you scare people like this, how can we reach a consensus?"

"Together with your mother!"

Ling Tian snorted at Elder Wu's words, and immediately burst into foul language.

Looking at Ling Tian who came out from another camp, Guo Fei and Elder Wu both heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not the master who came and went freely in the army camp and took the head of their Chen Guo general.

But for Ling Tian who appeared alone in the camp, Guo Fei still didn't dare to neglect.

"This girl, dare to ask your name?"

"Your last name."

"So it's Miss Ni, how dare you ask her what to call her?" Elder Wu at the side asked a little flatteringly.

"Your mother!"

"Mr. Ni...your mother? You..."

In an instant, Guo Fei and Elder Wu reacted at the same time, only to realize that they had been taken advantage of by this little girl, Ling Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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