My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 244 Goddess... Mental Disease

Chapter 244 Goddess... Mental Disease

But before the two could get angry, Ling Tian spoke again.He said with extreme disgust: "Tsk tsk, I was wrong. Just you two old bastards, even if you lift Miss Ben's shoes, you are too dirty. If you really want to call me mom, I'd rather hit the wall."

Guo Fei:  …

Elder Wu: ...

The two wanted to ask: So what do you really want?

Inexplicably ran out to scare people, inexplicably took advantage of them, and inexplicably said that he was going to hit the wall!
Women are really unreasonable species!
"You still want to reach a consensus with Miss Ben! As for you two stinky men like piggies, Miss Ben feels disgusted when she sees you!"

Especially that Elder Wu.

An old man in his 50s, with a goatee on his face, not to mention his old age, there is a black mole on his nose, and two black hairs grow on the mole.

Thinking about being out of his mind just now, he actually said that he was the mother of these two people.The more Ling Tian thought about it, the more depressed he felt.At the end of the depression, he actually "vomited", and his stomach was so nauseated that he almost vomited out.

Guo Fei (Elder Wu): ...! ! !
Just how annoying are they?The woman retched immediately when she saw them.

"Girl, you took advantage of us as soon as you came, and acted like a good boy when you took advantage of us.

Now I'm still feeling nauseous and nauseated like this.We don't think we have offended you, do we?Do you think it's not as disgusting as you make it out to be?What are you talking about here today? "Elder Wu said angrily.

After Ling Tian was sick, his face became even more gloomy.

"No offence? How dare you say you didn't offend this girl?"

Looking at Ling Tian's expression of wanting to kill someone, Guo Fei and Elder Wu were also drunk.After thinking about it for a long time, I really couldn't figure out how I offended this aunt.

"You guys are ugly and want to take advantage of my sister, that's offending my sister!" Ling Tian was angry.

The more I looked at Elder Wu, the more disgusted I felt.

Ling Tian, ​​who originally wanted to talk nonsense with these two people, didn't want to say another word, so he shot at Elder Wu.

Elder Wu didn't react at all, and felt a strong wind blowing towards his face.Quickly take out your weapon to block it.

However, he is only a pharmacist of Qing Mingzong, a professional pharmacist.Although he is also a spiritual master, he is different from the spiritual master elders of other sects who are always at the eighth or ninth level. Although he is also an elder, he is only a seventh-level spiritual master.


The moment the dagger in Ling Tian's hand collided with the sword in Elder Wu's hand, there was a dull sound of metal clashing.

Following that, there was a sound of air waves sweeping through, and Guo Fei who was on the side was directly rushed out.

After the weapon hit, Elder Wu only felt that the sword in his hand suddenly began to tremble at a strange speed.

He held the sword in his hand tightly, trying to stop it from trembling.

Unexpectedly, with the spiritual power pouring into the hilt, not only did this trembling force not disappear, but instead rushed into his palm, arm, and even his body along with the hilt to tremble.

Elder Wu was taken aback, he quickly dropped the sword in his hand, and was about to reach into his arms to take out a pack of poison and sprinkle it on Ling Tian.

Unexpectedly, a heart-piercing pain came from the bone of the hand, extended to the arm, and then the whole body.


Elder Wu uttered a scream of pain and fell to the ground, convulsing all over.There was still a crackling sound on the body.

Guo Fei, who was knocked to the ground beside him, watched in horror as Elder Wu's body was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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