Chapter 245
Although he didn't know how the woman in front of him did it, he knew that the reason why Elder Wu's body shrank must be related to the broken bones all over his body.

After screaming for a while, Elder Wu stopped moving.

The whole body presents a twisted hideous shape.

"If you are so ugly and still come out to affect the appearance of the city, you deserve it if you die!"

Guo Fei looked at Ling Tian with an angry face, his whole body was not well.

"Female...Female...Goddess, can I cover my face? I was wrong! I really knew I was wrong! I shouldn't come out with him to affect the appearance of the city, work for tigers, and make the whole world ugly!"

Although he didn't know what affected the appearance of the city, he knew that it was this aunt who despised them for being ugly!

Ugly is their original sin!

He hasn't led a soldier in a war for so many years, who the hell is going to tell him, is fighting on the face now?

If a general is not good-looking, he is not qualified to lead the army, or else he will be decapitated even in his own barracks?

He was tricked by the monarch!
Mother, this world is so scary, my son wants to go back to the countryside!
"Know your mistake? Know your sister's mistake! Die!"

Without giving Guo Fei a chance to defend himself, Ling Tian pulled out a first-grade spirit sword refined from his waist, and slashed down towards Guo Fei's neck.

Guo Fei was just a level four spiritualist, and he had no power to fight back against Ling Tian's lightning strike that could instantly kill an eighth level spiritualist.

Until his death, he didn't know why Ling Tian killed him.

Is it really because he is too ugly?

Not to mention that he didn't know why Ling Tian killed him, he didn't even know Ling Tian's name.

Died super wronged.

Although she was called the other party's goddess, he felt that this woman was clearly a female psychopath!She ran out and said that it was his mother and Elder Wu's mother. They were taken advantage of and didn't speak, but she said that they had defiled her.Afterwards, she killed people if she disagreed with her, and claimed to be their sister. In the end, he couldn't afford to offend her, thinking that if he covered his face, he could always hide, right?As a result, the crazy woman scolded his sister before killing him.

Anyway, Guo Fei was confused.Until she died, she never understood from Ling Tian what she meant by "your mother", "sister", and "your younger sister".

Why were they killed because of these three words?

No wonder Guo Fei and Elder Wu died aggrievedly, even Di Wushang, who was behind Ling Tian, ​​who was pretending to shield her from the wind and rain, had black lines on his face at this moment, and his brows twitched.

"Little Tian'er, you just killed them like this, they don't even know why they were killed." Di Wushang couldn't help but said.

At this moment, Ling Tian finally calmed down from the nausea and was stunned for a moment.

Yeah, these two conscienceless people really don't seem to know why she wants to kill them!

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Ling Tian waved his hand: "Oh, never mind. Anyway, they have done all kinds of bad things, so they must die, because it doesn't matter what they die."

"Well, that makes sense." Di Wushang unconditionally supported what his little princess said.

It's just that he still felt that the death of these two people was a bit aggrieved.After all, they must feel that they offended others with their appearance, which led to their murder.

After Di Wushang withdrew his coercion, several other generals from Chen Guo's camp rushed over quickly.Looking at the general and the elders of Qingmingzong who were lying on the ground so dead that they couldn't die any more, several people showed a touch of horror on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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