Chapter 254

The faces of all the spectators turned pale at this moment.

"Girl, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!"

"Those people must have gone to rescue soldiers!"

After seeing the three companions running away, Cheng Dandan's originally terrified face showed a triumphant and ferocious smile.

"They are right! Those three people are disciples of our Qingming Sect. And not far away, there are the elders of our Qingming Sect and the Beast Controlling Sect. If you hurt me, you will definitely not be able to leave. So You let me go quickly! Maybe I can say something nice for you and leave you with a dead body!"



A dead man's head slammed into Cheng Dandan's face again, making her dizzy for a while, feeling like her skull was about to shatter.

"I told you that brain damage is a disease, why don't you listen? Your people are going to kill me, do you think I might hand you over? Wouldn't it be a dead end for me if I hand it over? You said you were brain disabled How powerful is it that you can still threaten me at this time? If I am really going to die, do you think I will hold you back?"

Cheng Dandan's proud eyes became terrified again, he shook his head and said, "You...don't kill me! As long as you let me go, I can ask my father to give you anything you want!"


It was the old woman's dead head that fell directly on Cheng Dandan's face.

"Warning you, before drinking six walnuts, you should talk less! Don't let me can't help but want to beat you to death! Don't persuade me or threaten me anymore. People like you have nothing to do with you. If you can kill people who hate you, can I count on you to let me go and thank me? Do you think I'm a fool?!
You must be thinking now, when your people come later, how are you going to kill me, right? "

Cheng Dandan didn't hear clearly what Ling Tian was scolding her at all.

Because she smelled the smelly head, she burst into tears with a "wow" unbearable under the severe pain.

"Woooooo... Are you a woman? Why do you always hit me with heads? Don't you feel disgusted?"

Ling Tian glanced at the old woman's head, and then realized that in a hurry, in order to prevent her Phoenix from being humiliated, she picked up the head and used it as a weapon.Afterwards, every time the woman spoke, she wanted to beat her to death, so... she kept holding the old woman's head.

smell strong blood

Only then did Ling Tian retch, belatedly, and threw the head on the ground in disgust.

"Nonsense, of course disgusting!"

Disgusting, you still keep hitting me with heads? !Pervert it! ! !

Cheng Dandan glared at Ling Tian with grievances, but at the moment she was alone and weak, she dared not speak out.

Ling Tian said disgustedly: "But I think hitting a woman like you will not only dirty my hands, but also my weapon. Only this head is perfect for you!

So you better not let me have the desire to be violent, or I will not only hit you with my head!I can still make you swallow it whole, believe it or not? "


Totally crazy!
In this life, Cheng Dandan has never seen a more arrogant woman than her!

Clearly facing a strong life threat, how could she be so arrogant?
The spectators on the second floor were afraid of being affected, and they had already paid the bill and left.The very few people left are definitely the kind of people who value gossip more than life.

"You...what do you want?"

Cheng Dandan looked at Ling Tian and asked weakly for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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