My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 255 Ling Tian Binds Himself in a Cocoon

Chapter 255 Ling Tian Binds Himself in a Cocoon
"Xiao Er, clean this place."


Xiao Er's face was already pale with fright.In horror, Ling Tian went to wash his hands clean, and sat back in his seat again.

Di Wushang raised his eyebrows slightly: "Can you still eat?"

"En." Ling Tian nodded, his mood and appetite were completely unaffected.

After all, most of the people she dealt with in the past were ghosts, and sometimes ghosts are more disgusting than humans.

She can eat and sleep in the tomb, this kind of scene is no obstacle for her.

Even after beating Cheng Dandan, Ling Tian felt relieved and his appetite opened up a lot.

Di Wushang admired Ling Tian's generosity.

Seeing that Ling Tian has an appetite, he also has an appetite.Especially when Ling Tian said "my man" just now, Di Wushang's appetite was whetted, and he looked at Ling Tian expectantly.

Ling Tian stuffed a mouthful of cold cake into her mouth, and before she had time to chew a mouthful, a soft tongue jumped in like a spirit snake, and before she could react, the cold cake was swept away.


Then Ling Tian took a mouthful of jelly and was swept away again.

Afterwards, after finding a way to eat without being too dirty, Di Wushang activated the eating and drinking skills of the Big Stomach King.

No matter how fast Ling Tian is or how much food is in his mouth, Di Wushang can always snatch the food from her mouth at the first time, and then eat it with great relish.

Ling Tian was depressed.

She started to say no.

But no matter how she refuses, Di Wushang, an unscrupulous person, can always snatch food from his mouth.

In order to eat the food in her mouth, he... even used his spiritual power!

Ling Tian was furious.

Taking advantage of this big eater grabbing food in his mouth, Ling Tian picked up the pepper noodles on the table and poured a lot of pepper on the last bite of cold cake.

Then, while the other party was enjoying it, he stuffed the cold cake mixed with a lot of pepper into his mouth with a groan.

Di Wushang was about to go over to eat the last bite of cold cake when he heard a "poof".

Miserable Ling Tian, ​​because things were stuffed too fast, she didn't hold her breath well, and as a result, the pepper powder was choked into her trachea, and then she coughed, and the pepper powder sprayed out from her mouth and nasal cavity.

"Little... Xiao Tianer... why do you have such a strong taste? You eat so much pepper!"

Di Wushang didn't even use his air to blow, the pepper powder sprayed towards him by Ling Tian, ​​the jelly cake and snot in his mouth were automatically dissipated invisible by Di Wushang's spiritual power.


Ling Tian couldn't stand the rush and screamed.

Then I heard a shameless instigator say that she had a strong taste, and she felt bad all of a sudden.

While screaming, he poured water vigorously.

But can you imagine?The feeling of choking a whole tablespoon of pepper into the nasal cavity and trachea...

It's simply that life is worse than death.

Ling Tian felt that at this moment, an indescribable taste rushed straight to his forehead, and the pain was so painful that his brain was cramping.

Seeing how miserable she was, Di Wushang stretched out his hands along her back to comb her.

A wave of spiritual power instantly cooled the whole body like mint, and Ling Tian, ​​who was suffering so badly a moment ago, was instantly relieved at this moment.

"Is it better?" Di Wushang asked with concern.

With tears and snot running down his face, Ling Tian nodded with his swollen eyes.

"See if you want to eat so much pepper with such a strong taste in the future!"

Ling Tian: ...=_=! !
(End of this chapter)

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