My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 256 I'm a Slut

Chapter 256 I'm a Slut
The two continued to eat while everyone was stunned.

In order to be full, Ling Tian ordered a lot of dishes.But every time the food is served, Di Wushang will roll away with his tongue immediately.

Ling Tian was wondering, was this man's tongue made by a tornado?
Finally, after eating more than a dozen things at a speed like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, Di Wushang was very satisfied and satiated.Only then can Ling Tian feed himself.

She felt that her psychological shadow was infinite at this moment.

The depression value in my heart directly exploded.

"You, crawl over here!"

Ling Tian ordered to Cheng Dandan while eating the food that Di Wushang no longer ate.

Cheng Dandan's face was extremely ugly at the moment, but due to Ling Tian's majesty, she had to endure the humiliation.

Standing up from the ground, just took a step, Ling Tian picked up a chopstick and hit Cheng Dandan on the knee.

Cheng Dandan let out a scream, and knelt down again, sweating coldly from the pain, unable to get up at all.

"Did I ask you to stand up? Didn't I hear that Miss Ben asked you to crawl over? You dare to take another step and try, and see if I will cut off your leg?"

Cheng Dandan: ...! ! !
The hatred for Ling Tian in his heart has reached a certain level.

Looking at the surroundings and the spectators on the corridor, Cheng Dandan couldn't cut Ling Tian into pieces at this moment.

Hiding the anger and unwillingness in his heart, Cheng Dandan gritted his teeth and crawled over on his knees.


How do you treat me now, I will make you pay back a hundred times and a thousand times later!

If I don't torture you to death, I won't be called Cheng Dandan!

"You, slap yourself twice, then kowtow to my man and say 'I'm a slut, I don't deserve you!'"


Cheng Dandan really likes Di Wushang.

Although she had seen countless beautiful men since she was a child, there was no comparison between these men and the man in front of her.

This is the difference between a banished immortal and a mortal!
So she wants to decide on this man!
Since he was her future man, she really didn't want him to see her in such a miserable state.



Another chopstick hit Cheng Dandan's face directly, and his face, which was already swollen, turned bruise instantly.

"Do you want to kowtow or die now?"

"Papa—boom—I'm a bitch, I'm not good enough for you!"

Cheng Dandan swallowed his arrogance, slapped himself twice, kowtowed once, and apologized to Di Wushang.

"Go on. If I don't tell you to stop, you are not allowed to stop."

Ling Tian spoke lightly while eating.Only in this way can she feel her appetite is slightly better.

"You...don't go too far, I—"


It was the sound of chopsticks being thrown at Cheng Dandan's face again.

When Ling Tian slaps his face, he always likes to hit the same place.

His face, which was originally bruised and swollen, burst open in an instant.Blood gurgled down his cheeks, looking very scary.

"Do you want to die? Do you want to disfigure yourself?"

Cheng Dandan: ...! !


A naked threat!

"Papa—boom—I'm a bitch, I'm not good enough for you!"

"Papa—boom—I'm a bitch, I'm not good enough for you!"

"Papa—boom—I'm a bitch, I'm not good enough for you!"


The sounds of slaps, kowtows, and apologies kept ringing out.

In the astonishment that everyone's jaws almost dropped, Cheng Dandan, the daughter of the Qing Mingzong, began to admit his mistakes.

 Gai Lou [Give 300 Book Coins] activity is underway. Readers who want to participate in winning the prize can check the details of participation in the activity at the end of Chapter 140.

  As of the statistics time, this issue [General Comments] Congratulations to Jingshui still on the 7th floor, Yan Zhilei on the 17th floor, Yu Sheng on the 27th floor, Xiaoying on the 67th floor, love for you on the 77th floor, and five readers on the 117th floor.


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(End of this chapter)

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