My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 260 Ling Tian Shows His Power

Chapter 260 Ling Tian Shows His Power
"Old man, your target is me!"

"Hmph, little girl, let me show you the consequences of speaking wild words!"

The person who shot at Ling Tian was a seventh-level mid-level spiritualist.Although his level is higher than Ling Tian's, but because of the different exercises he practiced, ordinary seventh-level spiritual masters will only end up being abused by Ling Tian when facing Ling Tian.


Ling Tian slammed his bare hands with the opponent's fist without fear, making a dull sound.


The elder who had just finished speaking and wanted Ling Tian to see the consequences of his outrageous words was blown away by her punch.

The old man hit the ground from the sky in a parabola, splashing countless bluestones.

Amid the stunned eyes of everyone, his whole body was shattered and he stopped breathing very quickly.

The eyes of the remaining six elders narrowed slightly, and their expressions changed from disdain at the beginning to seriousness.

Although the one who made the move just now was the weakest among them, no matter how weak he was, he was still a seventh-level spiritual master.

This woman actually killed a seventh-level spiritual master with one move.Doesn't it mean that this person's strength can be compared with them, or even stronger than them?
At this moment, the few people had completely forgotten about Di Wushang and Fei Yu who could disappear under their noses, and only regarded Ling Tian as their enemy.

"What is the holy place, Your Excellency?"

Different from the previous attitude, after knowing Ling Tian's strength at this moment, the few people no longer dare to hold it up.

"Stop talking nonsense, die!"

Originally, she thought that if Cheng Dandan knew she was wrong, she would correct it. After she killed her father, it would be over.Unexpectedly, this woman not only refused to show affection, but even wanted to kill her, and even tortured her while letting her watch her make out with Di Wushang.

After Cheng Dandan uttered these words, this group of people will no longer have a living mouth.

Ling Tian's figure flew up quickly, and the knife was raised and lowered. The sacred person who asked her just now had his throat sealed with a sword.Before everyone had time to react, she had already quickly attacked others.

Seeing that another elder died, everyone was shocked.

Suddenly, the remaining four elders of the Beast Control Sect shouted at the same time, and four spirit beasts of different shapes and strengths appeared in front of Ling Tian, ​​and immediately attacked Ling Tian with bared teeth and mouths.

Seeing Ling Tian's attack power, Cheng Dandan, who was once again pale with fright, breathed out instantly after seeing the four spirit beasts.

The beast-controlling sect is the most powerful among the four sects, the reason is that they are not only powerful themselves, but also can control beasts.All the elders of the Beast Controlling Sect have their own spirit beasts.If the enemy faced them, it was equivalent to facing spirit beasts of the same level as them.

Die! Die!go to hell!

Cheng Dandan's eyes burst out with a strong killing intent.

"Tch! Think you are the only ones who have spirit beasts?"

Seeing a wolf, a tiger, a lion, and a leopard surrounding her, all of them were ferocious spirit beasts, all of which were much taller and stronger than adult men, like mutant species, Ling Tian disdainful With a cold snort, he shouted in the expectant eyes of the onlookers—"Xiaobai!"

A snow-white little beast twice the size of a palm appeared arrogantly beside Ling Tian.


Xiaobai has been staying in Ling Tian's Tongtian Jade to absorb spiritual energy, and he doesn't like to come out.Now being pulled out by Ling Tian to show off, seeing that there were only a few soldiers and generals like this, they immediately shouted brazenly.

 Please pay attention to the babies who participate in the construction of the building. Each person should not exceed 2 comments in the chapter review area or the general review area every day. Those who have built more than n floors repeatedly are not counted.Looking forward to the babies winning the prize!

(End of this chapter)

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