My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 261 Super Powerful Little Beast

Chapter 261 Super Powerful Little Beast
The milky voice, coupled with its extremely silly and cute appearance, made the jaws of the onlookers dislocate continuously from the crowd.

"Hahahaha... I laughed so hard! Bastard, are you using it to kill people or make fun of it? You look down on the elders of the Beast Taming Sect too much, right? It’s just such a small pet, you don’t need to control it. If the elders of the Beast Sect make a move, I can kill it with just one finger!"

"Oh? Really?" Ling Tian raised his lips slightly and said, "Xiaobai, someone questioned your strength and said that one finger can kill you."


Xiaobai looked at Cheng Dandan, his bean-like dark eyes were full of anger, and his excited tail wagged like a simple and honest puppy.

Just when everyone wanted to feel ashamed again, Xiaobai suddenly moved.

With a speed that even Ling Tian couldn't catch, he rushed to Cheng Dandan's side with a "whoosh", and with a wave of his paw, he returned to Ling Tian's shoulder with a "whoosh".

The speed is fast, just in the blink of an eye.


Suddenly, the crowd boiled.

Because everyone can see that Cheng Dandan, who was fine a moment ago, is missing an arm now.

The key point is that the arm that fell to the ground has been broken into four pieces.


Because Xiaobai's speed was too fast, until he saw the severed arm on the ground, a piercing pain rushed out like a flood.

"Bitch! You bitch! You've crippled me! I'm going to kill you! Kill you—"

Cheng Dandan yelled hoarsely, but the living elders did not move.

Only at this moment did they deeply realize that the woman in front of them was not so easy to mess with.

"Your Excellency, are you from another part of this continent?"

One of the most powerful elders of the Beast Control Sect asked with deep fear on his face.

"God! Those two people are actually in the sky!"

I don't know who screamed out, but everyone looked at the sky in unison at this moment.

In the air, [-] meters above the ground, Di Wushang and Xiao Qi stood in the air, looking at the situation below with great interest.

The onlookers were okay, but the faces of the remaining five elders completely changed at this moment.

Spirit... Spirit King!
According to the legend, only the strong spirit king can walk against the sky.

These two people can suspend in the air without using any power at this moment. Doesn't this mean that both of them are strong spirit kings?
What kind of a group of existences did this eldest lady provoke? !

"Xiao Tian'er, half the time for a cup of tea has passed."

Di Wushang's voice resounded in the air like a guqin, reaching everyone's ears.

Ling Tian laughed and said, "You don't need half a cup of tea, just give me ten breaths, and I'll take care of all of them!"

As soon as the words fell, Ling Tian's figure exploded, much faster than before.

Under the horrified gazes of several elders, without giving the other party any chance, they directly made a killing move.

Xiaobai was also suspended in the air at the same time.

Its small body just waved its paws, and the four spirit beasts recruited by the four elders of the Beast Control Sect turned into a blood mist in panic.

Not even a dead body.


The onlookers were in an uproar.

Before Xiaobai made a move, who would have thought that this little beast, which was only twice the size of a palm, would be so tough?
Ling Tian's movements didn't stop at all because of Xiao Bai's strike. On the contrary, it seemed that one person and one beast started to compete to see who could kill the fastest.

(End of this chapter)

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