My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 263 Who Stole My Points?

Chapter 263 Who Stole My Points?

Not giving Cheng Dandan a chance to speak anymore, Ling Tian swung his palm and blew her head off from the air.

Because Cheng Dandan's face was too dirty, she didn't want to use weapons to kill her.

"Thank you for your support. You can divide the money from these people."

After all, amidst the cheers, Ling Tian was led away by Di Wushang.

While walking, Ling Tian observed the change of karma points in Tong Tianyu's space.

Seeing that there are already more and more points, so many points that he is going to lose his family in a while, Ling Tian's eyes are full of smiles.

But after a while, the smile on his face froze.

The people who killed the Qingming Sect and the Beast Controlling Sect, as well as the eldest lady, Ling Tian's points were originally increasing, but seeing that they were about to reach the palace, the points decreased instantly.

I rub!

What's the situation?
Seeing the points gradually decreasing, as if Hai had no tendency to stop, Ling Tian's face turned pale with fright, and his whole body was not well.

"Little Tianer, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Ling Tian's face was not good-looking, Di Wushang asked with concern.

"I... my points have decreased. Could it be that I killed people who shouldn't be killed? I'm sorry, but even if I kill good people who shouldn't be killed, it can't be reduced so much all at once?... And it's still going on keeps decreasing.”

Seeing that the hard-earned points were inexplicably reduced by almost a quarter, Ling Tian was so depressed that he almost burst into tears.

Is it easy for her to earn these points?

Looking at the pitiful appearance of his little princess, Di Wushang frowned.It's even more heart-scratching than going backwards in one's own strength.

Suddenly, Di Wushang remembered something, put his arms around Ling Tian's waist and flew up.

Arriving at the place where several elders and misses of the Qingming Sect and the Beast Controlling Sect died just now, a large-scale riot is erupting here.

Many people had already been beaten to death, and some fell to the ground while being pushed, and then were trampled to death, Ling Tian was dumbfounded.


Xiao Qi poured down his coercion until the people below couldn't move, and the riot stopped.

Faced with such a situation, how could Ling Tian not know the reason?
They left because they were too lazy to search for the money of the dead.But these relics of the dead are a windfall for the common people.

The wages of avarice is death.

Ling Tian knew that he had made a mistake.

No wonder her points dropped so fast.

She was the instigator of this riot.

"Three breaths of time, immediately disperse all. Otherwise, die." Xiao Qi spoke for the master.

How powerful Di Wushang and Xiao Qi are is obvious to everyone.So as soon as Xiaoqi's voice fell, the people scattered in an instant.

The corpses of the remaining seven elders and the corpses of the three young men and Cheng Dandan were directly blasted into blood mist by Xiao Qi.What disappeared with the corpses was also their belongings that had not been looted.

"Sect Master Cheng, it's noon, look..."

In a large hall that can accommodate 3000 people in the Imperial Palace of the Kingdom of Chen, Emperor Chen looked at the suzerain of Qingming Sect with some embarrassment.

Today is said to be a banquet, but it is actually a wedding held by Chen Guowei for the princess and Cheng Fang, the patriarch of Qing Mingzong.As a result, until now, Cheng Dandan, the eldest lady of Cheng Fang's family, and the elders who followed Cheng Dandan have not entered the palace yet.

"Father, the young lady didn't even come. The young lady is the only daughter of the master. If she doesn't come, how will the banquet start?"

(End of this chapter)

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