Chapter 264
Cheng Fang on the side changed his expression when he heard this, and said: "Let's start the banquet. This girl is spoiled by me on weekdays, and she also wants to show her temper on such an important occasion, so let her go. If you have the ability, when I leave, she should not follow me."

Cheng Fang, the patriarch of the Qingming Sect who had been waiting for his daughter's arrival, immediately changed his mind after hearing Princess Mengyao's words.

The wedding begins.

In fact, the wedding was called a banquet because the person Chen Mengyao married was the suzerain of Qing Mingzong.The wedding was supposed to be held in the imperial palace, but since Qingmingzong's suzerain status can be compared with Chen Huang, the real wedding was held in Qingmingzong.Chen Guo, only holds banquets.

At the banquet, Chen Mengyao and Cheng Fang exchanged cups, which meant that she would be the suzerain wife of Qing Mingzong from now on.


Chen Mengyao's eyes were full of spring, and after drinking a glass of wine, her pink and tender cheeks were instantly smudged with a thin layer of blush, which made Cheng Fang's heart flutter for a while.

"Still called Master?" Cheng Fang asked with a smile.

A plain face, full of wrinkles.It's okay if he doesn't smile, at least he looks dignified.But this smile directly exposed his extremely irregular teeth.

The huge gap between the teeth made the few ministers sitting close to each other in the front row secretly slander, would he spray the froth from his mouth directly on Princess Mengyao's face when he was eating?
However, Princess Mengyao, as if she didn't see the disgusting yellow teeth, called out shyly and charmingly——


The smile on Cheng Fang's face widened, and finally he laughed out loud, looking very unhappy.

A group of Qing Mingzong elders behind him also laughed and clasped their fists together.

"Congratulations suzerain! Congratulations madam!"

The Sect Master of the Beast Control Sect also stood up with a red face and led several elders of the Beast Control Sect: "Congratulations to Sect Master Cheng and Princess Mengyao for their wedding."

All the ministers and family members of Chen Guo also got up and congratulated: "Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Sect Master Cheng!"

Chen Huang saw that his daughter was able to hook up with the patriarch of Qingming Sect. Although this person was older than him, Chen Huang was very happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Concubine Meng is able to give birth to a princess like Mengyao. I am very relieved. From now on, Concubine Meng will be promoted to Imperial Concubine, and she will be ranked in the West Palace!"

Chen Huang's words shocked everyone.

You know, Concubine Meng is just an ordinary concubine, not even Liugong.

Now, because of Princess Mengyao, she surpassed the concubine Jing who was the head of the Six Courts, surpassed the noble concubine, and directly became the imperial concubine next to the empress, and became the West Palace.

Chen Guoben did not establish the position of crown prince, and the eldest prince born to the empress was originally the most likely to become the crown prince.But with the rise of Princess Mengyao, her elder brother, the Seventh Prince, instantly became an existence that could stand up to the First Prince.

"Congratulations to the imperial concubine! Congratulations to the suzerain wife! Congratulations to the seventh prince!"

Just when the empress's lineage changed color, the masters of the Qingming Sect and the Beast Control Sect stood up one after another to cheer for Princess Mengyao's mother and concubine.

Concubine Meng, who was originally low-key and small, has completely changed her aura under the congratulations of the two sects who can rival the power of the dynasty.

There is no need to carefully cover up, no need to be petty to anyone, from now on, she will become an existence in this palace that surpasses the status of a queen!

(End of this chapter)

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