Chapter 270
he believe!

He had never seen this huge spirit beast like a mountain before. Considering how many ninth-level spiritual masters were trampled to death just by jumping down, it would definitely not be difficult for Ling Tian to leave unscathed.

But he is the emperor after all!
The emperor has the majesty of the emperor!

Even if he knew that there were tigers in the mountain, he could only go to the tiger mountain.

"Then try, can you come and go freely in my country of Chen?"

"Okay, okay." Ling Tian nodded: "Try it later. I can't just make an appearance just now, and then leave the stage without doing anything, right? I will exit later At that time, your son, ministers, and soldiers can all see it!"

Chen Huang's pupils shrank.

What does it mean that his sons, ministers and soldiers can see it?Does it mean that he, the emperor, can't see it?
So, she meant to kill him in his palace?


Chen Huang laughed angrily at Ling Tian's brash words.

"Miss Ling means that you still want to kill me in my palace? So you came to the palace of Chen Kingdom to kill me?"

"No, no, no! Don't talk like you're awesome. If I just killed you alone, I wouldn't even bother to make this trip. I heard that your daughter is going to marry the suzerain of the Qingming Sect today, so I'm here today The Palace of the Kingdom of Chen is for all of you who are related to this incident to be buried."

"Bold!" Chen Huang couldn't listen anymore, and shouted angrily: "Come here, take down this witch for me, if you resist, you will be shot!"


After Chen Huang's words fell, the commander of the Imperial Guard stood stupidly not far from him, without any response.The imperial guards were also not far ahead, and they didn't respond.

Chen Huang was so angry that his breathing almost stopped, and he shouted angrily: "Are you deaf? Let you catch her and kill her!"


Still no one paid attention to him, but Ling Tian's voice came.

"Then are you going to catch me or shoot me to death? Being an emperor is so incompetent, you really should die."

Chen Huang glared at each other, wishing he could eat Ling Tian.

But his Janissaries stood there motionless.

Frustrated, Chen Huang raised his leg high and kicked the commander of the imperial guards beside him on the chest.

However, the commander of the imperial guards has already been pinned down by King Di Wushang behind Miss Ling, so how could it be possible for a scum like Chen Huang to kick him?

The commander of the imperial guards' chest hurt so much that tears came out, but he didn't cry out. He could only look at Chen Huang with resentful eyes, and told a fact——

Subordinates can't move!

Chen Huang staggered, and took a few steps back in horror, hiding his figure behind Situ Jin.

After all, Situ Jin is a ninth-level spiritual master, and he also has a ninth-level spirit beast.Compared with Cheng Fang, the patriarch of the Qingming Sect, he is stronger, and he feels more secure.

"She pinned down the Praetorian Guards!"

"She actually pinned down the imperial guards!"

"Oh my god! Demon girl! She must be a demon woman, she actually held down fifty thousand imperial guards!"

The position of ministers and family members, everyone panicked.As a result, after a woman screamed in horror, a minister next to her slapped her in the face.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! She rides a spirit beast, even if she uses spells, she is still a fairy, how could she be a witch!"

"Yeah, fairy, fairy! Ah - woo woo woo, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

(End of this chapter)

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