My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 271 Fairy descends to earth

Chapter 271 Fairy descends to earth
After the woman was taught a lesson, she cried and passed out.

Then, the ministers of the Chen Kingdom backed away one after another, distanced themselves from Emperor Chen, Qing Mingzong, and the Suzerain of the Beast Controlling Sect in horror, and then some unscrupulous ministers pretended to "whisper" to praise Ling Tian. The fairy came down to earth, and she was beautiful.


Knowing that these people said this to survive, but she didn't intend to kill these people, why did she look like a gangster?

Situ Jin and Cheng Fang looked pale, and after seeing Yiying, they didn't say a word.

Because among the people who were knocked into the air by the winged eagle, there was the most powerful Supreme Elder of the Beast Controlling Sect.

Even the Supreme Elder couldn't match the impact of this winged eagle, so what reason do they have to contend with the opponent's strength?

Especially at this moment, when the two were shocked to find that even the [-] imperial guards could not move, they had completely lost any will to fight.

As a result, when Huang Chen hid behind Situ Jin, Situ Jin clasped his fists and said, "Miss Ling, I am Situ Jin, the patriarch of the Beast Controlling Sect. I came together with the Qingming Sect because I wanted to Ask Cheng Fang to help me refine the elixir.

Cheng Fang used this as an excuse to ask our Beast Master Sect to be used by their Qingming Sect. To put it bluntly, they are thugs.This time, because it was his wedding, in order to set off his majesty and style, we, the senior leaders of the Beast Control Sect, headed to Chen Guo.

Miss Ling, in fact, our Beast Control Sect did nothing, and attacking Mo Country was a bad idea of ​​Cheng Fang and Chen Huang.As long as Miss Ling is merciful and lets everyone in the Beast Control Sect live, our Beast Control Sect will leave immediately, and we will never have anything to do with Chen Guo and Qingming Sect again! "

"The suzerain is right, as long as you let us go, we will never have anything to do with Chen Guo in the Beast Control Sect." Another elder of the Beast Control Sect also said,
"Situ Jin, you villain!" Cheng Fang roared angrily after hearing Situ Jin's words.

"Sect Master Cheng, I can't take the lives of all the elders of the Beast Control Sect just to get you a pill, can I? Can your pill be as important as the lives of the Beast Control Sect's people? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with villains. Right? Everyone gets what they need."

Cheng Fang's face flushed red with anger at Situ Jin's words, and he couldn't find anything to refute him for a while.

Ling Tian, ​​on the other hand, couldn't bear it.

"Sect Master Situ, you can't say that. You chose to stand by Qingmingzong for a pill, how can you just leave now? Could it be that when Qingmingzong's sect master and Chen Huang ordered , have you spoken out to stop it? Have you practiced it personally?
Just like the factional disputes in the dynasty, the ministers either remain neutral forever, or they have to stand in line.The winner, the prince, and the loser, Kou, once one person from the power he belongs to attains the Tao, then dogs and chickens can follow him to heaven.The ministers who are neutral must not be treated as well as the ministers who stood in line earlier.On the contrary, those who stand on the wrong team will not only not be treated well, but will even be exterminated by the nine clans.

So your team has already stood, and it's cheap, and now you have nothing to do with what Miss Ben said. Do you know that what Miss Ben hates the most in her life is not the enemy, but the grass? "

As soon as Situ Jin heard Ling Tian's words, he knew that he would definitely not survive today.

While showing fear on his face, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Miss Ling, just let me go, I promise I will never..."

(End of this chapter)

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