Chapter 274

The flames that hadn't burned out from the body surface all this time, when Di Wushang's hand slightly opened, the flames suddenly ignited.

The two people who were still in good health after being burned for so long turned into two scorched and golden skeletons in the blink of an eye.

However, the two golden sparks in the hearts of the two did not go out because of this, the sparks did not hesitate, and the thick chain of fire was still burning, as if it could burn forever.





There were countless sounds of dislocated jaws. If there were no eye sockets to cover them, it is estimated that the eyeballs of everyone in the Chen Kingdom Palace would be scared out of their eyes by the shocking scene in front of them.


Is this too exaggerated?
This is the strength of the legendary Spirit King?
I go!

Do you feel that a spirit king can destroy a continent?
too strong!
It’s too shocking!

Too domineering!

From the time he met Di Wushang to now, this was the only time he made a move.

Because every time he wanted to make a move, she stopped him with the excuse of earning points.

So although he knew that Di Wushang was very strong, Ling Tian had no idea that Di Wushang could be so strong.


Is his destiny a phoenix, or is he a phoenix himself?
Why do you feel that he is no different from a fairy?

Others may not be able to see it, but Ling Tian can see that Di Wushang's fire is not a raging fire, but an extremely dark Yin fire.

The temperature of his fire is not high, but it is specially used to burn the soul.

At this moment, she could see that even though Cheng Fang and Chen Mengyao were dead, there was no way out.

Because the souls of the two are suffering from the golden flame.As long as the flames are not extinguished, their souls will be eroded by the flames forever, and they cannot break free.

And once the flame is extinguished, they will disappear in an instant, and it is impossible to reincarnate or something.

The power of this kind of flame is simply much higher than the underworld fire she owns.

Di Wushang's strength stunned everyone.

At this moment, Chen Huang was also frightened into a mental disorder, kneeling on the ground.

"Miss Ling!"

Suddenly, a man wearing princely attire came out and bowed 90 degrees to Ling Tian and Di Wushang.

"Miss Ling, here is Chen Shouxin, the prince of Chen Guo. Here, this prince leads the civil and military affairs of Chen Guoman and the people to surrender to the Mo country. From now on, Chen Guo is a subordinate state of the Mo country, waiting for the Mo country. Please Miss Ling let me off and all the officials of Chen Guo."

"Chen Shouxin, what are you? I am the crown prince of Chen Guo. Even if the emperor dies, I will still be the crown prince. What qualifications do you have to replace this crown prince and the ministers here to talk to Miss Ling?"

Just as Ling Tian was about to speak to Chen Shouxin, Chen Shouli, who had just been promoted to the crown prince, jumped out from the back of the hall.

He had finished speaking, and people hadn't squeezed from the back of the hall to the front.

It can be seen how much he has shrunk his head just now in order to avoid the disaster.

Seeing the crown prince who had squeezed to the front, his clothes were all wrinkled, the eldest prince sneered, "A prince who only hides from the sidelines when things happen, how dare Chen Guolie give his wealth and life to someone like you? Don't forget, your own sister is the instigator!"

The prince's face turned pale from fright, and he scolded angrily: "Chen Shouxin, don't spit blood! What does what Chen Mengyao did have anything to do with this prince? It's not suggested by this prince! She is vicious herself, and she can't just because this prince is her Brother, are you going to blame this incident on the crown prince?"

(End of this chapter)

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