Chapter 275

The eldest prince nodded, but the old god nodded: "That's right, you hid to the side just now, maybe you didn't hear the reason why Situ Jin and the others were executed by Miss Ling. Miss Ling said that what she hates most in her life is The grass on the wall, the grass on the wall is more hateful than the enemy.

Could it be that Chen Mengyao and Cheng Fang got married, and you didn't benefit from it?If you didn't get any benefits, how could our good father leave the queen's son and not establish a prince, but let you, a mere concubine's bastard, become a prince?Now that you have enjoyed the benefits of standing in the team, you should shoulder the responsibility after failure. "

"" The prince pointed at the eldest prince with a hideous face, unable to refute for a long while.

Then, the crown prince suddenly knelt down to Ling Tianxia.

"Miss Ling, I am willing to be your subordinate. As long as you don't kill me, I can not only make the country of Chen a vassal state of the country of Mo, but also pay [-]%, no, [-]% of the taxes to the country of Mo every year. You can let the people of the Chen country become the slaves of the Mo country, and let the people of the Mo country drive them at will."

"Chen Shouli, why should the people of the Chen Kingdom repay the debts you owe yourself? If you really become the king of the Chen Kingdom, the ancestors of the Chen Kingdom will not let you go!"

The eldest prince is the son of Zheng Miaohong, the only son of the empress, so he has focused on cultivating his emperor's thoughts since he was a child.

It was as if the emperor of Chen Kingdom didn't beg for mercy from Ling Tian even though he knew that the disaster was imminent.

Although the eldest prince failed to become the prince, some deep-rooted thoughts made him stand at a completely different height from the new prince.

"So what if the ancestors don't let the prince go? In the future, the Chen country will be gone, and we still have to..."

Before the prince could finish his words, he was caught by the eagle's claws and slapped on the ground.The body as heavy as a mountain pressed on the crown prince, turning him into a pile of chicken feces at the feet of the winged eagle in an instant.

First Prince: ...! ! !
Yes, such a person, there is no need to quarrel or reason with him.Killing directly, although simple and rude, can prevent the ears from being poisoned.

"Chen Huang, cut yourself off!"

Although Emperor Chen has done all kinds of bad things to Mo, he is a sinner.But as far as Chen Guo is concerned, he is a good emperor who works hard to govern.The reputation among the people is also very good.

Ling Tian is not the emperor of the Mo country, she is just protecting her weaknesses, and she doesn't want anyone to hurt her Ling family army.

So as long as Chen Huang commits suicide, this matter can be exposed.

At this moment, Chen Huang's face was ashen, and he looked at the courtiers.Their eyes were full of hope.

I hope he dies quickly and this thing goes away quickly.

At this moment, Chen Huang felt extremely regretful.

When the first emperor was dying, he had warned him to govern the country of Chen well and let the people live a comfortable life.Don't be too ambitious, and don't get too involved with the forces of the rivers and lakes.The world is too big to imagine, and the only way is to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the talents. Don't try to expand, so as not to kick the iron plate.

Chen Huang pulled out the sword at his waist, without saying a word, he slayed himself on the spot.

As he was dying, he remembered what the late emperor had said to him when he was dying.

At this moment, he felt extremely regretful.

Didn't he just hit the iron plate?

If he didn't want to avenge the Ling family's army 20 years ago, he wouldn't let Ou Yu seduce Ling Tian.Pei Fenqiang would not receive such angry news, and he would not send troops to attack Weeping City when the Ling family army returned to Beijing to report on their duties.

(End of this chapter)

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