My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 276 Chen Guoxin Emperor

Chapter 276 Chen Guoxin Emperor
He really regrets it!

Chen Huang killed himself.

And Chen Mengyao's concubine mother, the woman who had just been promoted to imperial concubine, appeared screaming in a remote corner behind the hall.

Under the eyes of everyone, it turned into a wisp of blood mist and disappeared completely in this world.

"Next." Ling Tian threw a pill to the First Prince Chen Shouxin.

"This is……"


First Prince: ...!
"However, there is an antidote. Every three years, you have to go to the country of Mo and get it from the Emperor Mo. In case you, the country of Chen, can't figure it out anytime and want to avenge today's revenge."

The First Prince, no, it should be the new Emperor Chen who smiled wryly.

Today, they are still in Chen Guo's own territory, and they are all beaten so that they can't fight back.

Looking at the golden flames that are still burning on top of the two Optimus Pillars, and the two corpses that have been burnt into coke but not turned into ashes, and looking at them every day, who will have the courage to challenge the Mo country? ?

Don't want to live?
Seeing that the eldest prince swallowed the poison without saying a word, Ling Tian said: "From now on, you will be the emperor of the Chen country! That's all for today. Really... I don't want to see you for a moment!"

After all, the huge figure of the winged eagle suddenly shot into the air, and disappeared into the clouds in the blink of an eye.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, without saying a word for a long time.

But everyone felt as if they had been abused by hundreds of millions of beasts.

You still don't want to see us for a moment?

It should be that we don't want to see you for a moment, right? !
After sending off the evil star, everyone kept staring at the two corpses on Optimus Prime and the chains made of golden flames.But after waiting for a while, the flame was still burning.

"Go, and put out the flames with water."

Although Chen Huang hated the two people who were tied up and hung in the air, he felt that they died well.But after all, this is the palace at the main entrance of the imperial palace, the place where the early court discusses matters, and it is also the facade of Chen Guo!

Chen Huang didn't want to see today's humiliation every time he entered the palace gate.

After the female evil star left, all the imperial guards could move.Everyone brought cold water one after another, climbed up with ladders, and tried to put out the fire.

However, when bucket after bucket of water was poured on the fire chain tied to the stone pillar, the golden flame not only did not go out, but burned more vigorously.

If you don't use water to extinguish the fire, the flames on the fire chain will not be so strong.

Finally, after working hard for an entire hour, Chen Huang ordered people to stop.

This is the humiliation left by the Mo country to the Chen country.

This is also a lesson Mo Guo left for Chen Guo.

There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.This continent is bigger than they imagined, and there are many threats they can't imagine.

After Chen Guo went through such a catastrophe, it was fundamental to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the talents.Others... If you lose face, you can lose face!It's better than being killed by others at the door of the house and almost being wiped out by the group!
"See the emperor! Long live my emperor! Long live!"

At this time, the ministers just woke up from a dream, and hurriedly knelt down in front of the new emperor.

This, is the emperor chosen by that female evil star.

She approved it, so she shouldn't come to Chen Guo Palace again to fight or kill, right?

Looking at the kneeling courtiers, Chen Shouxin felt that life was always full of surprises.

If the crown prince Chen Shouli ascends the throne, he, the great prince, will definitely be trampled under his feet in the future. Maybe with Concubine Meng's ruthlessness, he can't even save his life.

(End of this chapter)

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