My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 277 Ling Tian Acts Like a Baby

Chapter 277 Ling Tian Acts Like a Baby
Although Chen State has since become a vassal state of Mo State, at least the people of Chen State have not suffered, and the state has not been shaken at all.

And he, still by mistake, changed from a prince who had fallen to the bottom of the valley to an emperor in one fell swoop.

Life is like a dream.

Dreams are like life.

"Pass down my order to arrest Pei Fenqiang and punish his nine clans! Dig up Ouyu's ancestral grave and throw it in a mass grave!"


When the new Emperor Chen came to power, the first edict he issued was to dig Ou Yu's ancestral grave.

It is estimated that if Ouyu knew about it, he would definitely go to Ling Tian to fight for it.

Not only did this dead woman not pay for her life, she clearly won by killing him and his family, but she also slandered his honor in front of everyone in the Chen country.

But to Ling Tian, ​​this is what Ou Yu deserves.

To be a spy requires the consciousness of being a spy, and to bear the consequences of being discovered at any time.

What's more, Ou Yu is an extremely disgusting and unscrupulous spy.

Cursing the eighteenth generation of his ancestors, this is Ling Tian's revenge on him!
On the way back, Ling Tian kept giggling, while Di Wushang sat quietly beside her, smiling and looking at him lovingly.

Xiao Qi is also very happy in her heart as she concentrates on accompanying Yi Ying on the road.

Since I was fortunate enough to follow the Lord, this period of time is the time when the Lord smiles the most and has the most expressions on his face.

I feel that Miss Ling is the Lord's darling, as long as there is Miss Ling, the Lord will be happy no matter what!

Finally, Ling Tian stopped smirking alone, looked at Di Wushang, and started smirking again.

Rubbing Ling Tian's hair: "How? How much?"

Knowing that Di Wushang was talking about points to her, Ling Tian said with a smile, "38000!"

Di Wushang frowned slightly, and praised: "Not bad!"

Before, there were hundreds of thousands of points, but after these trivial things, it turned into 38000.

"It seems that helping the common people and punishing the villains can really get more points."

"Hee hee, thanks to you!"

Ling Tian knew that without Di Wushang, her development would not have been so fast.

Di Wushang smiled and said: "Xiao Tian'er is my future wife, as your man, this is what I should do."

"Cough cough."

Looking at Di Wushang's serious face, Ling Tian was a little shy.

"Di Wushang, you can accompany me to the capital again!"

"Okay. You can go wherever you want." Di Wushang agreed without asking Ling Tian why he wanted to go to the capital again.

Even if his little princess wants to go to heaven, he will accompany her.

When they reached the sky above the capital, Di Wushang sent Ling Tian safely to the ground, and Ling Tian refused to let him follow.

"No, I don't feel relieved if I don't follow you."

"Oh, there is nothing to worry about! There are no bad people, not to mention, I can already crush ninth-level spiritual masters. Is there really anyone in this world who can do anything to me? You wait here for me, and I will do it right away." Come on, okay?"

Seeing Di Wushang's worried expression, Ling Tian suddenly acted coquettishly and bumped into Di Wushang.

"is it okay?!"

Di Wushang felt as if his heart had been scratched from head to tail by a feather, and his whole body was numb in an instant.

Without thinking about it at all, he nodded and agreed.

"Hee hee, you're so kind. Then you wait for me here, and I'll be back in an hour at most."

After all, he left without looking back.

It wasn't until Ling Tian had gone far that Di Wushang came back to his senses, secretly annoyed in his heart, why did he agree?
(End of this chapter)

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