Chapter 278

Ling Jian had already discovered them all, and in the future, until Ling Jian's identity was confirmed, he and Xiao Tian'er could not be together every day like Siamese twins.

But during this period of time, he has gotten used to Xiao Tian'er's presence, wishing he could take her by his side even when going to the bathroom.

Even if he didn't do anything, he was happy just looking at her and talking to her.What's more, now he can still hug her frequently, eat strings of candied haws with her, and even use her mouth as a food container to snatch food from her.

Looking at Xiao Tian'er's angry appearance, he felt that the food was very delicious.

So, why did he agree to let her act alone?
At this moment, Di Wushang looked helplessly at the beautiful figure who had disappeared from his line of sight, feeling all kinds of depressed in his heart.

Without being able to accompany her, Di Wushang could only use his divine sense to detect her all the time.

Although his family's little Tian'er has spent a short time standing at the peak of this outland, but he is still worried.

He does not allow any danger to his little princess.

But soon, Di Wushang's expression changed.The breath on his body also gradually cooled down, Xiao Qi shivered from the cold.

Those who passed by Di Wushang all gathered their clothes.Don't understand why it's suddenly getting cold in here.

Di Wushang's eyes stared at the palace.

Xiao Tian'er came back to the Mo country from the Chen country, and instead of returning directly to Qicheng, he came to the capital. Was it because of Mo Chengtian?
Although knowing what happened in Chen Guo, Mo Chengtian should be informed, and the antidote for the new emperor of Chen Guo should be given to Mo Chengtian, but...

Why did Xiao Tian'er send him away and go to see Mo Chengtian alone?

It doesn't make sense!

Isn't he doing well enough to spoil her enough?That's why she was still thinking about Mo Chengtian?

Di Wushang's face was deep, and he struggled for a long time. Finally, the result of the spiritual detection...

Ling Tian just arrested a minister she knew at the gate of the palace, then handed over a bottle of elixir to that minister, told what happened in Chen Guo, and asked him to hand over the elixir to Mo Chengtian.

Even though he had already gone to the palace, Ling Tian did not enter the palace. After explaining to the minister who was too shocked to talk to her, he left.

Now that she's gone, she doesn't want to see Mo Chengtian again, it will only increase his sadness.

Afterwards, Ling Tian came to the largest auction house in the capital.At the door, a young man blocked her way.

"My lady, this is the backstage of our auction house. Only our boss and stewards can enter. If you want to participate in the auction, you should go through that door."

"I'm not here to participate in the auction, I'm here to sell things."

The boy was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and said, "So it's a photo shoot, that girl, please come in with me."

The boy led Ling Tian into the inner stage of the auction house, and said, "Our auction house holds auctions once a month, and the items you want to send for auction will be auctioned next month after being appraised by our elders."

"Aren't you holding an auction today?"

"Girl, we are now auctioning the last five items. You must know that the later the auction, the more finale. So there may be no way to put the girl's things on the auction today."

"This can't work, my things must be auctioned today."

After all, the two of them had already walked to the inner stage, where an old man was sitting studying the medicinal herbs on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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