My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 279 Ling Tian's Name

Chapter 279 Ling Tian's Name

"Manager Xu, this girl said that she wants to send items for auction, and her items want to be auctioned today."

The old man named Manager Xu raised his head, and gave Ling Tian a benevolent look.Ling Tian's unusual identity can be determined from her clothes.

Instead of vetoing Ling Tian like Xiao Er, Manager Xu asked: "I don't know what the girl wants to auction? You know, the last two items in our auction house are used to suppress the table. If the girl's things are suitable, It’s not too different from what we have on the table, and the old man can make a decision for the girl.”

I have to say that Ling Tiangao took a look at Manager Xu.

Taking out a bottle from his pocket and putting it on the table, Ling Tian said: "Just now I saw Guanshi Xu studying medicinal herbs, so he must be very proficient in refining medicine? I'm here to auction off medicinal herbs today."


Manager Xu's eyes lit up, and he held the pill bottle carefully in his arms like holding a baby.Then he opened the elixir bottle, smelled the elixir, and instantly, his eyes widened, he looked at Ling Tian incredulously, and asked:
"Girl... girl, this... this elixir, dare I ask how pure it is. According to the old man's appreciation of elixir, the purity of this elixir must be more than [-]%?"

"Ninety percent." Ling Tian replied.

"Nine..." Manager Xu's eyes straightened.

After a long time, he shouted: "Ninety percent? As far as I know, even the suzerain of the Qingming Sect can only refine elixirs with a purity of at most [-]%?"

After finishing speaking, Manager Xu's eyes widened again: " are Miss Ling?"

Now it was Ling Tian's turn to be dazed.

"You know me?" Is she that famous?

"Are you really Miss Ling Tian?" Manager Xu was surprised and happy.

"I have seen Miss Ling Tian!"

Seeing Ling Tian's confusion, Manager Xu said excitedly: "Although the banquet in the imperial palace has only passed one day, the people in the capital are aware of Miss Ling's performance at the banquet yesterday!

Now everyone knows that girl, you are an alchemist, hahaha... I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to see Miss Ling's face today!Miss Ling, you are my idol!It was my second child who was rude to the girl just now, and I hope the girl will make amends. "

To be regarded as an idol!
Ling Tian was a little confused.

Facing Guanshi Xu's scorching gaze, Ling Tian asked awkwardly, "Then can you auction this pill for me?"

"Yes! It must be possible! I will let the auction stop all auctions and sell the girl's elixir first, lest the girl wait for a long time."


Does this work too?
Didn't they say that the best ones were left for the last auction?

But Manager Xu had left Ling Tian and left.

Outside, when an item that was being bid on was suddenly stopped by Manager Xu, the auction audience expressed their displeasure.

But when Manager Xu mentioned the elixir he was about to auction and the purity of the elixir, the whole venue immediately erupted.

"Everyone, this [-]% pure medicine is..."

Just about to introduce the name of the elixir, but Manager Xu suddenly realized that because he was too excited, he forgot to ask Ling Tian what elixir it was.

However, when he didn't finish speaking, everyone thought that he was trying to whet the appetite.The ears are all erect, for fear of hearing wrong.

"Let me tell you the name of the pill first, let's talk about other things first. Everyone must know a person! This person, she is not only an amazing alchemist, but also a marshal in the palace. She ..."

(End of this chapter)

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