My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 280 Buying a Gift for Di Wushang

Chapter 280 Buying a Gift for Di Wushang

"Ling Tian!"

"It's Ling Tian!"

"Oh my god! The auction house actually got the elixir that Miss Ling made herself!"

"What's the starting price?"

"If you don't have enough money, can you give me an extra day?"

"Hehehe, it seems that everyone knows what happened in the palace yesterday. How about it, I won't say much. If you like it, you can bid first. When you get the elixir, the auction house will tell you in private. What kind of elixir is this? As for those who don’t have enough money, if they are VIPs of our bank, our bank can help advance the payment first, and you can get the goods after paying the money within one day.”

Before everyone agreed, Manager Xu said, "The starting price for this 1000% pure elixir is 100 taels, gold! Each price increase must not be less than [-] taels of gold."

"2000 taels!"

"3000 taels!"

"5000 taels!"

"10000 taels"


In four rounds, the thousand taels of gold pill was fired to ten thousand taels, and it was still soaring.

Ling Tian was in the background, so naturally he didn't know what happened ahead.She just patted her head, because she just remembered that she forgot to tell Manager Xu what kind of elixir she was refining.

A quarter of an hour later, Manager Xu returned to the backstage with a red face and a smile on his face.

"Miss Ling, I kept you waiting."

"Manager Xu, I forgot to tell you that this elixir is a detoxification pill. In this world, no matter what kind of poison it is, it can cure it! The poison on the emperor's body was cured by this detoxification elixir."

When Manager Xu heard this, his eyes lit up instantly: "Thank you, Miss Ling, for giving the elixir to our auction house. This is your reward!"

After all, Manager Xu stuffed a money bag to Ling Tian, ​​and Ling Tian opened it, and inside was...

"3 taels? Gold!"

Even Ling Tian couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, he never thought that the elixir he refined could be sold for such a sky-high price.

"Who took this pill?" Ling Tian asked curiously.

She felt that the person who could get this elixir must be either rich or expensive.

"Hey." Manager Xu said with a smile, "I'm not going to hide this from Miss Ling, I just took pictures of this elixir."


In your own auction house, you spend your own money to buy pills.

"If you had said earlier that you liked this elixir, I would have offered you a price directly."

"Miss Ling doesn't know, I like to study medicinal herbs since I was a child, and I am also a pharmacist. Therefore, Miss Ling's pill is of great significance to me, no matter how expensive it is, I am willing to bid fairly.

Originally, our auction house would charge a certain auction fee, but it is our honor for Miss Ling to bring the pill to us for auction, so we will not charge the handling fee.I hope Miss Ling will think of our auction house for any items she wants to auction in the future. "

"Well, definitely."

Ling Tian had a good impression of the management of this auction house, and after agreeing to the other party, he took the money and left.

If she has the opportunity to come back here in the future, if she still needs to auction things, she will definitely find this auction house.

This was the first pot of gold she earned with her own craftsmanship after she came to this world.

With this money, Ling Tian went to one of the most famous jewelry stores in the capital.I chose a few gifts there, and then the 3 taels of gold were gone.

Ling Tian had already thought about giving Di Wushang a gift.

Ever since I met him, he has been paying for her.

Although it is said that she is the destined Wutong of Di Wushang, it is one thing to be destined, but another thing to be loved by the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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