My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 281 Shout out, my lord

Chapter 281 Shout out, my lord
It would be an absolute lie to say that Di Wushang was not moved by his devotion to her.

So she wanted to do her part and give him a present.

Although she knew that Di Wushang didn't need anything, Ling Tian felt it was necessary to buy a gift for her boyfriend with the first money she earned.

Di Wushang, who had been following Ling Tian with his divine sense, knew what she had done, but he didn't understand why she did it.

But as long as Ling Tian doesn't go to see her brother Cheng Tian, ​​he will be in a good mood.

Because when the minister sent Ling Tian's medicine to the palace and presented it to Mo Chengtian, seeing his sad, disappointed and unlovable expression, Di Wushang felt like he was in a hot mood. In summer, drinking a glass of orange juice with mint and eating an iced watermelon is so comforting.

"Di Wushang, I give it to you!"

Back to Di Wushang, the first thing Ling Tian did was to take out a jade pendant of good quality from his bosom and hand it to Di Wushang.

Looking at the flickering jade pendant in front of him and the sweet smiling face behind the jade pendant, Di Wushang was taken aback for a moment.

After reacting, his eyes brightened instantly, and he was so happy that he almost couldn't hold it anymore.

"Little Tian', gave this to me?"

In order to ensure Ling Tian's absolute safety, Di Wushang's spiritual consciousness followed her all the time, and of course he also knew that she had been to the auction house and bought things.

But he never thought that Ling Tian went to the auction house to earn money, and her purpose of earning money was to buy gifts.And the present she bought was for, for, for, him! ! !

"Yeah." Ling Tian nodded, and said with some embarrassment: "Without you, I would not have been able to get so many points and improve so fast. You said that there is no need to say thank you, but I can always give you a small reward." gift?
Although Uncle Ling also gave me a lot of money, I didn't earn it with my own hands after all.Just now I took the elixir that I refined by myself to the auction house, and I made some money to buy a jade pendant.

Although this jade pendant is incomparable to the interspatial ring you gave me, it is still my heart.I don't know if you like it or not..."

"I like it! Of course I like it!" Di Wushang's joy was beyond words at the moment.

This, but the money earned by his little princess herself, she chose it for him and gave it to him!

Not to mention a piece of jade, even a broken stone is the most precious gift to him.

Di Wushang quickly took the jade pendant over, and fondly gesticulated on himself for a while.In the end, he finally decided to put a strange rectangular object of unknown material into the space, and then tied this jade pendant around his waist as a pendant.


Ling Tian couldn't bear to look directly at Di Wushang's match.

This jade pendant looked very good when I bought it, but it was completely incomparable with the beautiful rectangular piece on Di Wushang's body.

"Di Wushang, this jade pendant is not too big, it should be hung around the neck, or, if you think the rope is not good-looking, you can put it in the space. This is not an accessory to hang around your waist."

"It's okay, I'm willing to hang it on my waist."

Di Wushang hung the jade pendant on his waist, stood up, swayed from side to side, very satisfied.

This was something given to him by his little princess!

It was the little princess of his family who made money with her own hands and bought it for him with her first sum of money!

(End of this chapter)

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