My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 282 Is the jade pendant good-looking?

Chapter 282 Is the jade pendant good-looking?
If it is hung around the neck, others will not be able to see it.

He just wants to hang it on his waist so that everyone can see this jade pendant!

This is a symbol of love!
It was the first gift from his little princess!
At this moment, Di Wushang was so happy that he wanted to sleep with this jade pendant in his arms!

He wished he could show off his gift to the whole world.

"Xiaoqi, does this jade pendant look good?"

It was rare for Di Wushang to ask his subordinates to talk off-topic, but at this moment, he really couldn't help the prehistoric power in his body, and wanted to vent his joy.

Seeing the jade pendant that was countless times cheaper than the rope, Xiao Qi couldn't help but twitched, but it was rare to learn how to fly feather dog legs: "My lord, this subordinate thinks this jade pendant is very beautiful hanging here!"

"Really?" Di Wushang was very happy and didn't need Xiao Qi to answer at all.

"Really." But Xiao Qi still answered out of conscience.

"I'll let you go to the east area to be the person in charge when I go back."

Xiao Qi's eyes lit up, and his whole body came alive: "Thank you, Lord!"

"It should. Because you are a very discerning person, I believe that when you go there, with this unique vision, you will definitely handle everything well."


Ling Tian was really worried about Di Wushang.

If he is the boss like this and judges a person like this, won't the property collapse?

However, Di Wushang obviously couldn't notice the worried expression on Ling Tian's face. At this moment, they were already flying up into the sky on the winged eagles, and he just wanted to get to a crowded place as soon as possible, so that there could be more people I saw the jade pendant on his waist that his princess gave him!

Di Wushang was alone obsessed with the fact that Ling Tian used his own money to buy gifts for him and couldn't help himself, instead he left Ling Tian in the cold.

Ling Tian walked up to Xiao Qi, smiled and took out a jade pendant that was almost exactly the same as Di Wushang, and said, "Xiao Qi, thank you and your Yiying for your company. This is my little thought, I hope you don't Dislike it."

Xiaoqi: ...( ̄▽ ̄)! !
Xiao Qi almost fell off Wing Ying's back in fright.

Ms. Ling, is he not pleasing to the eye?

She actually gave him a jade pendant similar to his master's!

He doesn't want to die yet——! ! !
Xiao Qi looked at the swaying jade pendant in front of her eyes, and at Di Wushang who was standing behind Ling Tian, ​​who was watching her with resentment, and felt that her whole world was about to collapse.

Pit father ah -! ! !
At this moment, Xiao Qi really wanted Fei Yu.

If Fei Yu was here, he must know how to face this situation.

Xiao Qi's face was flushed, and he held back for a long time before he said: "Thank you, Miss Ling, for your kindness, but my subordinates cannot accept your gift."

"Why? What? Don't you like it?" Ling Tian asked angrily.

Xiao Qi felt that he had sweated out the sum of the last month's sweat at this moment, so he quickly waved his hands and said in fright: "Why?! This jade pendant is priceless at first glance, it is a good piece of jade. That's why the subordinates I dare not accept it. The subordinate is the hidden guard of the master, and everything the subordinate does is ordered by the master. Therefore, if Miss Ling wants to send it, she should give it to the master. In short, the subordinate will definitely not accept it."

Receiving Di Wushang's knowing look, Xiao Qi let out a long breath.

The whole person feels almost collapsed.

After confirming that not accepting the jade pendant was the right choice, no matter what Ling Tian said, Xiao Qi acted like he was not willing to accept the jade pendant.

(End of this chapter)

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