My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 298 Immortal?

Chapter 298 Immortal?

"That's why the subordinates will definitely stay by Missy's side, be at Missy's disposal, and watch Missy grow up slowly."

Seeing that Ling Tian was still surprised, Ling Jian continued: "After reaching the level of Linghuang, the age of warriors will be 1100 years old, and the lifespan will be increased by 500 years at each level. Qing Linghuang can live to 1600 years old, blue The Linghuang can live to be 2100 years old.

And after breaking through the shackles of the Lan Linghuang and upgrading to the top powerhouse Zi Lingzun, as long as he is not killed, his lifespan has no effect on people at all.Even if human beings cannot ascend to immortality, they will at least become half-step immortals with eternal youth and immortality. "

So her tsundere phoenix will not die of old age.

Suddenly, Ling Tian thought of a question.

This man has been waiting for her for 20 years, and before that, he obviously still has so many stories.

So... how old is he?
Hey...forget it!
He is already a half-step immortal, why is she still obsessed with his age?
After such a struggle, she had no choice but to buy a piece of tofu and kill her!

Along the way, Ling Jian's mouth was not idle, and Ling Tian also asked Ling Jian many questions like a hundred thousand why.She even asked about the basic principles of airship flying.

After knowing the basic flying principle of the flying boat, Ling Tian applied to operate the flying boat by himself.

Originally, Ling Jian even grasped his toes tightly. He was afraid that if the little aunt did not operate correctly, the flying boat would be destroyed. If she was injured, then he would really be to blame for death.

The result was unexpected, my little aunt was indeed worthy of being the daughter of the Lord's wife, she was the embodiment of genius.Just said it, once you get started, you can fly immediately.

And it flew evenly and stably, not much better than his old driver.

In fact, Ling Jian didn't know that this flying boat was actually invented by Daoist Tongtian, that is, Miss Ling's master.The principle is similar to that of the planes on Earth, except that the Hunyuan Continent has spiritual power, so it is more convenient to invent these.

And when Ling Tian was helping the country carry out missions, he often flew planes.She is even familiar with fighter jets.So this kind of flying boat is like pediatrics to her.Although its speed is a little faster than that of fighter jets.

"Uncle Ling, how much bigger is the inner land than the outer land?"

Ling Tian's question caused Ling Jian to laugh dryly.

"In order to prevent the aura of the Hunyuan Continent from spreading, the former owner of this continent surrounded the entire continent with a barrier. Therefore, only those within the barrier can be counted as the real Hunyuan Continent. And the outer land, such as A small country like the Mo country is just a wild land opened up by some human beings who can't survive on the border and have no spiritual power after leaving the mainland.

After staying in this barren land for a long time, after generations of reproduction, coupled with the deliberate forgetting of those who opened up the barren land, their descendants will naturally no longer know about the inland affairs.

Therefore, the place we stayed in before was just a wild land, and the real Hunyuan Continent refers to within the barrier. "

Ling Tian: ...So her journey hasn't started yet, right?
"How big is the inland area? How many countries is it divided into?"

"Miss, you can't measure the vastness of the inland. I can only say that the inland is divided into five major plates, namely the East Continent, the South Continent, the West Continent, the North Continent, and the Central Continent. Each continent has a great emperor. Rule over all living beings on this continent."

(End of this chapter)

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