Chapter 299
"On the outskirts of each continent, there will be some small border countries, which are attached to the continent and are directly ruled by the continent. These small border countries are called dynasties.

And at the border of each dynasty, there will be many small subsidiary countries that are directly under the jurisdiction of the dynasty. These small countries are also called empires.

Under the empire, there are also the smallest basic dependent countries on this continent, and these basic dependent countries are also called the imperial country.

Don't think that the imperial country is small.Inland, the smallest imperial kingdom is also several times larger than the Mo kingdom. "

"...!!!" Ling Tian felt a little speechless.What the hell... How big is this world? ? ?
"So the inland starts from the bottom, and the levels are imperial kingdom, empire, and dynasty, and then the third-rate power, second-rate power, and first-rate power in the central continent. The top power of each continent is the imperial palace, which is the power of each continent. Great emperors, they are all existences at the peak of Lingzun. They are almost unshakable.

Different from countries like the Outland Mo country, in the inland area, every power, whether it is a country or a sect, the emperor, the suzerain, and the leader will always be the most powerful existence in that side.Because this is a continent that respects force, only the most powerful can sit in the highest position.

So inland, very chaotic.It is often seen that the throne or the leader is overthrown by others, and the new leader is overthrown by others before he is firmly established. "

Ling Tian was silent.

"So Uncle Ling talked for a long time, just wanting to tell me that although I have become the existence of the peak powerhouse in the outer land, but in the inner land, I am a scum that is stepped on by others."

"Miss can't say that. After such a long period of precipitation, the inland already has its own rules.

Inland, the closer the aura is to the Central Continent, the more intense it will be.Therefore, if the strong want to seek a breakthrough, they will go to places with stronger aura.If you don't go, you may spend your whole life, and your spiritual power will end here.

In the lowest level of the empire, the strength of the monarch is the highest, but at most it is only at the peak level of the Orange Spirit King.Unless he gave up the throne and went to the empire, he would not be able to break through to the level of the Orange Spirit King in his life.As for the monarch of the empire, the highest strength is the peak of Huang Lingsheng.The monarch of the dynasty, the highest strength is the peak of the green spirit saint.The third-rate forces above the dynasty, the highest strength is the peak of Qinglingsheng.The second-rate force is the peak of the blue spirit saint, and the first-rate force must have a spiritual master sitting in it to be eligible to be called first-rate.

Although the eldest lady is only an eighth-level spiritual master, but staying in the town below the imperial kingdom, firstly, the strength of these people is not high, and secondly, the spiritual energy here is sufficient, suitable for the eldest lady to cultivate and experience. "

Now, Ling Tian finally understood the good intentions of Ling Jian and Di Wushang.

"Uncle Ling, don't worry. When I arrive at the destination, I will definitely cultivate hard. I will use the shortest time to get out of the imperial kingdom, out of the empire, out of the dynasty, and go to the Central Continent."

Although she doesn't know her background, but the family that can own the flying boat, what's the matter, she has to enter the third-rate forces in the Central Continent to be qualified to ask about her background, right? !
"Good! Good! Good! This subordinate will definitely be able to witness the eldest lady soaring above the heavens!"

After finishing the conversation, Ling Tian lost interest after flying for a while. Such a simple thing is no different from a car with automatic transmission.

(End of this chapter)

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