Chapter 366

Deng Kuishan's complexion turned pale in an instant, and he shouted angrily at An Xian: "It's all you! It's all you! Did you see that, she ran away! She ran away! Once she leaves the sphere of influence of my Imperial Sword Sect, our Tell Anbu, can our Imperial Sword Sect still survive?"

The Ninth Elder and An Xian also turned pale with fright when they saw more than 150 corpses.It was completely unexpected that Ling Tian's killing speed could be so fast.

"Sovereign, Xian'er is doing it for the sake of the entire sect! As soon as Ling Tian left, we informed you of this matter. The delay in this process was less than a quarter of an hour. We thought that your contracted beast is also a red spirit." Even if those 150 people plus ten elders couldn't kill her, they could delay her for a while, who would have known that her fighting power was so strong!" the ninth elder argued with a disheveled face.

"So! So! In order to force me to submit, you can send 150 idiots to kill her without even knowing the actual situation of the enemy, right?"

"We also want to find someone more powerful to kill her, but isn't it because we are afraid that you, the suzerain, will not agree? Besides, besides the bandits in Heifengzhai, is there any more powerful force in this area?" An Xian also said in vain. A face justifies itself.

"Confused! Stupid!"

Deng Kuishan was trembling with anger from the Jiuchang teacher and his disciples, and was speechless for a while.

Now that the right protector is gone, the other left protector finally couldn't stand it any longer. He didn't know how to repent for the pair who caused a disaster, and the righteous pair of master and apprentice said:
"Since Ling Tian even the leader of Anbu in the Five Sacred Kingdoms has to use honorific words to her, it is enough to show how difficult her identity is. For such a woman with a difficult identity, do you think it was really wrong for her to kill the Seventh Elder? Accidentally? What's more, she has a flying beast of the peak level of the Scarlet Spirit King on her body, so it is not easy to kill these people?"

Zuo Hufa's words made the already pale faces of Ninth Elder and An Xian even paler, especially An Xian's face was full of anger and unwillingness.

"But now that a catastrophe has occurred, even if you were thinking about repairing your relationship with Ling Tian just a moment ago, suzerain, it is impossible at this moment. Then Ling Tian must have hated us and Yu Yu to death by now. Jianzong.

So the old man suggested that we might as well issue a wanted arrest to the Moon Lane Alliance to intercept and kill Ling Tian.As long as the Moon Lane Alliance can help us kill Ling Tian, ​​we will hand over half of the mining rights of the Spirit Mine to the Moon Lane Alliance. "

As soon as the Ninth Elder heard it, he immediately quit: "Guardian Zuo, Ling Tian should not have escaped from our Yujianzong's sphere of influence. As long as we go to investigate now, we will definitely be able to find her. The Moon Lane Alliance is stronger than us. In case they want more, what are we going to do then?"

"Even if we can't get the spirit vein, even if we donate the mine vein to the Moon Lane Alliance, do you think we still have a second way to go?"

Suzerain Deng Kuishan glared at the Ninth Elder.If it wasn't for her father being his master and the former master of Yujianzong, he really wanted to slap this stupid woman to death right now!
"That's right." Guardian Zuo nodded: "Now we don't know where Ling Tian has gone. We have no other choice but to ask the Moon Alliance for help. Although asking the Moon Alliance for help may cause us to lose most, or even All mining rights, but at least our Yu Jianzong will not attract Anbu because of this, so we can continue to preserve it, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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