My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 367 Leapfrog Battle

Chapter 367 Leapfrog Battle
"Left Protector is right. I believe that if Right Protector is here, his decision should be the same as ours."

Without further ado, Deng Kuishan hurriedly sent an elder to personally deliver the letter to the Moon Alliance.

He believed that as long as the Moon Lane Alliance was tempted, Ling Tian would definitely be unable to fly.

After disposing of the corpses of Hujiacun and Lijiacun, Deng Kuishan took the elders of Yujianzong to the mountain opposite Hujiacun. After careful investigation, he finally found the location of the spirit stone vein.

Afterwards, Deng Kuishan sent the first elder and the second elder of the sect to personally lead a group of disciples to guard them, and then he returned to the sect with peace of mind.

What they didn't expect was that Ling Tian, ​​whom they thought was hiding all along, actually took Axiang to destroy the old lair of Heifengzhai.

After killing all the people in Heifengzhai, she and Axiang returned to Hujia Village.

When the First Elder, the Second Elder and the disciples of Yujianzong saw Ling Tian, ​​their eyes widened.

"Miss Ling, I really didn't expect you to be so courageous. Didn't he tell you why we killed the Hu Family Village when you killed the tenth elder? Why did we send someone to kill you? "

When the great elder saw Ling Tian, ​​his eyes lit up, and he ordered his disciples: "Go to the Moon Alliance to intercept the person who reported the letter, and say that Ling Tian has already been executed, and there is no need for the Moon Alliance to share with me."

"Yes, Master." The Yujianzong disciple summoned his contracted beast, which was also a flying beast, and flew towards the Moon Lane Alliance's resident quickly.

Ling Tian sneered in his heart, but did not stop him.

After that person walked away, he looked at the person in front of him with a strange smile and asked, "Are you so sure that with the strength of the two of you, you can keep me here?"

Ling Tian's words made both the First Elder and the Second Elder laugh.

The second elder said: "Ling Tian, ​​you don't think that you can kill the two of us because you have a spirit beast at the peak level of the Scarlet Spirit King, do you? Your spirit beast is certainly powerful, but if you want to kill us in an instant, you can't kill us." It's impossible again. And we only need to find one person to kill you, and your spirit beast will naturally no longer pose a threat to us."

"Not only will it not pose a threat, it will also become my spirit beast from that moment on!" The Great Elder laughed and said, "I have always wanted to contract a spirit beast with my strength, but I have never been able to get one. Fulfill my wish. Today, I can finally get a spirit beast I like!"

Facing the threats from the First Elder and the Second Elder, Ling Tian sneered and said, "It's a beautiful idea. It depends on whether you have this life to enjoy."

"court death!"

The Second Elder snarled and flew towards Ling Tian to attack.

Ling Tian also released Little Bald immediately.

The moment the little bald attacked the second elder, the first elder also moved and rushed towards the little bald.

As a pinnacle-level spirit beast, Little Bald was not afraid of the attack of the Great Elder as a high-level warrior, but he had to avoid it.

After dodging, Xiaotu once again wanted to attack the second elder, but was stopped by the first elder.

But when Little Bald attacked the Great Elder, he used his physical skills and martial arts to escape.Although he was chased by Xiaotu and was injured in a short period of time, Xiaotu also lost the chance to help Ling Tian because of this.

(Looking for tickets for Beijing Roast Duck!!)
(End of this chapter)

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