Chapter 410

Even the women present had to admit that Hua Lixiao was very beautiful at this moment, so beautiful that even Hua Fuen, who was dressed up, was dwarfed by this face.

"I didn't hit him and he wasn't hurt."

Hua Lixiao's voice was cold and clear, not forceful, but it did not contain the slightest hint of anticipation.

Unexpectedly, Hua Lixiao would use such a poor excuse to excuse herself, everyone was startled.

If the victim is not injured, don't you know after an inspection?Did she think that after she said this, Gu Qianchou could calm the matter down?

"Ma'am, I checked Rui'er's injury just now, and it was indeed an internal injury, accompanied by a dislocated right shoulder bone! I'm a soft-spoken person, and I dare not contradict my wife. I don't care about Rui'er's injury. , but I beg Madam not to deliberately frame this concubine, you must must know that Madam is a person with a background, if Madam does not admit it, then this whole thing is the fault of Concubine!"

Rui Erniang was afraid that Emperor Xizhou would deliberately cover up, so she stopped pursuing the matter, so she hurriedly spoke out to complain.

Hua Lixiao looked coldly at the perpetrator who was kneeling on the ground.At this moment, she looks so pitiful to me, which is really distressing.

However, what Hua Lixiao hates the most in her life is the weak bitch's "I'm weak, you have to give in to me" appearance.

"Which onion are you? Are you awesome? Do I know you? Why did I frame you? What's more, if he is injured, you can check it out. If he is injured, I can't get rid of it. On the contrary, if he is not injured, that is You have nothing to look for."

Ruier's mother was suffocated by Hua Lixiao's cold words.

She knew that her status was inferior to hers, but was it necessary for her to humiliate her like this in front of Gu Qianchou?
Lowering her head, Rui Erniang said with hatred in her eyes, "Then please check. After all, if you want to say that he is not injured, there is nothing I can do about it."

"I have some medical skills, so let me check this child. If I do it myself, this aunt shouldn't worry about someone favoring Xiaomei, right?"

Ruier's mother was shocked by Huangfu Gongchen's words and was speechless for a while.Seeing that the majestic Emperor Xizhou really wanted to investigate for that bitch Hua Lixiao, he was filled with jealousy and hatred.

Isn't it because she is beautiful and has a higher status than her?What's the big deal?Why even Dijun wanted to excuse her?If Dijun said that Rui'er was not injured, wouldn't her plan today be useless?
Mother Rui'er looked at Gu Qianchou with aggrieved eyes.

Although Gu Qianchou's gaze didn't make contact with her, he still took a step forward and stopped Huangfu Gongchen.

"Emperor, you have a noble status. This child is just the son of a concubine in the last general's mansion. How dare you trouble yourself? Let the latter check it out. The latter will definitely handle this matter fairly."

Originally, Huangfu Gongchen only wanted to leave a good impression on Hua Lixiao's heart, but now that Gu Qianchou stopped him, he was happy not to get his hands dirty.

"Then Aiqing has to check carefully, don't wrong Xiaomei!"

Huangfu Gongchen's words were full of warnings, and everyone present understood.

It means that whether the child is injured or not injured today, he has to become uninjured.

Hua Lixiao's downcast eyes froze slightly, and she cursed Huangfu Gongchen, a shit-stirring stick, a hundred times in her heart.

Gu Qianchou already hated her so much that he wanted to strangle her to death, but now that the idiot emperor messed up again, wouldn't this make Gu Qianchou hate her even more?

(End of this chapter)

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