My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 411 Why Frame Me

Chapter 411 Why Frame Me

She didn't want to have to stick the Dao talisman with "air" on her body for 12 hours a day without interruption.

"If you are not injured, you are not injured. The emperor does not need to threaten Gu Qianchou. Today I saw an arrow painted with black poisonous poison shooting at me, so I rushed out to investigate the situation.

After rushing out, I saw that it was a child, so I didn't hurt him.But he raised his left hand and slapped his right shoulder, and then spurted blood and said that I hit him.

Then a group of maids and servants watching the opera outside shouted that I hurt the young master in this mansion, and the child's mother rushed over immediately, so she sat on the ground and cried, saying that I didn't even have a five-year-old son. Children are not spared.

The solution to this matter is very simple, to see who is lying, just pull the child's skirt to see if it is enough? "

After all, before everyone could react from their astonishment, with a wave of Hua Lixiao's hand, Rui'er's skirt had already been ripped open by her spiritual power.

Rui'er Niangqin at the side suddenly shrank her pupils and felt a thump in her heart. She wanted to stop it, but she couldn't stop it because her speed was too slow.

At this moment, Rui'er was already beating drums in her heart because of the sudden pain in her body.Hearing Hua Lixiao's words at this moment, her little face turned pale with fright.

The skirt was opened by Hua Liming, and a small palm was printed on the right shoulder.

All the people present were martial arts practitioners, and it was obvious at a glance that the palm print could not be Hua Lixiao's.


Another loud slap.

Rui'er's mother shouted angrily: "Rui'er, how did mother hand you over to you? I told you that today is your father's big day, and the mistress of the future has an extraordinary status. How can you provoke me at will?" What? Why don’t you listen to your mother? If someone else wants to kill you because of this, you... how will you live if you let your mother live in the future! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lord, there must be some misunderstanding in this, ruier It's just a child, even... Even if he doesn't like Madam, he won't seriously injure himself! How could he do that!"

Seeing that the matter was revealed, Rui'er's mother slapped Rui'er again, and then argued to death.

Rui'er's other cheek was also swollen instantly, but the brat didn't cry.He just lowered his head, but Hua Lixiao could still see his upturned white eyes, staring at her with hatred at the moment.

Gu Qianchou glanced at Ruier's mother with a serious expression, and was so frightened that the other party fell silent for a moment, not even daring to lift his head.

He stretched out his hand to touch Rui'er's shoulder blade, and then felt for Rui'er's pulse with his hand.

In the end, he had to admit: "Rui'er was not injured."

"What? How is that possible?"

Ruier's mother originally wanted to argue with reason, saying that it is impossible for a child to hit her hard, so it must be Hua Lixiao who injured Ruier.

But Gu Qianchou said that she was not hurt, which made her obviously unable to accept this fact.

"He's clearly injured! He's clearly suffered internal injuries!"

After all, Ruier's mother rushed forward to check Ruier's body recklessly.

Shaking his head while checking, his eyes were full of disbelief: "It's so easy? could it be..."

Rui'er's mother looked at Hua Liming, pointed at her and said, "It's you! It must be you! You hurt my Rui'er, and you deliberately framed me! Why did you do this? We have no hatred in the past. Why did you frame me? Woooooo..."

(End of this chapter)

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