My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 432 Tomb Robber

Chapter 432 Tomb Robber

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"Inside the enchantment is the cemetery of godfather and mother?"

Feeling the familiar and strong spiritual energy in front of him, Ling Tian knew that the front must be the barrier set by Di Wushang.

And those people gathered outside the barrier one after another, could it be that they are planning...tomb robbery? !

Ling Tian's complexion also darkened.

It's too much!

Although she had never met Emperor Dongzhou, she could feel that Emperor Dongzhou must be a great hero just by listening to what Di Wushang said casually.

Even if these people don't know that the cemetery of Dongzhou Emperor and Empress is inside the barrier, they should at least know that the people who are buried in this place where a large-scale war once took place must be inseparable from the people who died at that time!
Such an awe-inspiring tomb of the heroes who sacrificed their lives for mankind not to be ravaged by war, can they also get their hands on it?
Without the protection of those millions of warriors, how could they be where they are today?

"Don't worry, this is the enchantment you set up, you are a master of Lingzun, these people will definitely not be able to get in." Ling Tian shook Di Wushang's hand and comforted him softly.

Because she could feel Di Wushang's mood of being so angry that he wanted to destroy the world.

"At that time, there was miasma all over here, and once people below the level of the Holy Spirit entered, they would be killed by the miasma inside. So the barrier I set up was basically to prevent warriors above the Holy Spirit from entering. But now the miasma has disappeared inexplicably, So as long as certain conditions are met, people below the Orange Spirit King can enter."

This time, even Ling Tian's expression turned ugly.

"Under what circumstances can I go in?"

"Nine Stars Lianzhu."

Ling Tian raised his head, looked at the sun in full bloom and said, "Fortunately, there is no Nine Stars Lianzhu today!"

In Ling Tian's impression, Jiu Xing Lianzhu refers to the simultaneous connection of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, earth, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto into a single line.


"The Hunyuan Continent has a vast territory, and there are nine suns that illuminate this continent. These nine suns will form a line every three years on the first day of October. Today, it happens to be the first day of October."

"Nine suns?! Then... is this planet revolving around the sun, or are 9 suns revolving around this planet?"

Ling Tian felt that his world view had been subverted again.

"The ones revolving around the Hunyuan Continent are not planetary planes, but nine three-legged golden crows. It is said that they violated the rules of the sky, so they were sent down to the mortal world to bring light to mankind at a fixed time every day. "

Well, Ling Tian understands.

It seems that in the past myths and legends, nine three-legged golden crows also appeared in the sky of the earth.Later, it was said that Hou Yi shot them to death.

Hmm, that's a long way off.

Glancing at Di Wushang's dark expression, Ling Tian comforted him, "Since today is the time for Jiuxing Lianzhu, it proves that they have a chance to do something today. Don't be angry with these shallow people. Fortunately, we are here, right?" ?"

"Yeah, fortunately we're here!" Di Wushang sneered, "These people must have thought that there would be many treasures and inheritance of skills in the tomb, so they came to rob the tomb. But they didn't know that the tomb was just for me to mourn. It’s just a set of clothes from their lifetime that they put casually. Other than that, there’s nothing in the tomb.”

Ling Tian nodded: "It's fine if there is no one. Let's go in quickly, otherwise it will be bad if they destroy the cemetery. Judging by their appearance, they should have just arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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