Chapter 433
"Xiao Tian'er, you will kill them later."

"it is good!"

Although killing people randomly, her karma points will be deducted.

But she didn't want to see Di Wushang in pain, so Ling Tian decided to fight.

Not to mention anything else, as long as Di Wushang treats her so well on weekdays, even if she deducts all karma points from her, she will help him vent his anger.

Seeing that Ling Tian agreed to him without hesitation, Di Wushang's extremely uncomfortable mood improved a little.

After entering the barrier, Di Wushang galloped towards the cemetery with Ling Tian in his arms.

"so big!"

I thought it would be a cemetery after entering, but after entering, it turned out to be a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides.

"At that time, I saw that the scenery here was very good, and it was in the upper reaches, and I could see the rivers and mountains below, so I chose this land and set up a clothes tomb for them, so that they could always look at the land they had done for. Changes in lands that were protected and fought."

"Who are you? This is the territory of our Tianwuzong, and it is also the cemetery discovered by our Tianwuzong. How did you come in?"

"Senior Brother Ji, they came in from there. Maybe there is an entrance over there that even the suzerain didn't find out."

After Ling Tian and Di Wushang entered the area of ​​the cemetery, they quickly attracted the attention of the disciples of Tianwu Sect, and they all gathered towards this side with hostility, surrounding Ling Tian and Di Wushang.

"Who are you guys? Don't make me ask a third time!"

Di Wushang took a look at the clothes tomb that was still intact, and saw that although there were many people standing there, no one had broken in, so he was relieved.

"Don't you know that the people buried here are probably heroes who participated in the battle? Without those heroes protecting this territory, would you be where you are today?"

Ling Tian's eyes were cold, and his heart was full of anger.

However, the words made all the disciples of Tianwuzong burst into laughter.

"I can't see that you are so beautiful, and you are so kind-hearted! In view of your kindness, I will show mercy and not kill you today. You stand by my side and wait for me to kill you The person next to you will marry you back home as a concubine."

The disciples of Tianwuzong booed instantly.

After saying such a bastard's words, a group of female disciples behind Senior Brother Ji actually cast a jealous look at Ling Tian.

"Ji Xiang, what happened?"

Just when Di Wushang couldn't bear to attack these ants, another group of people came.

This wave of people is headed by a bright woman.

The moment she saw Di Wushang, the woman's eyes were glued to Di Wushang's body.

Although Di Wushang put on a silver half-face mask at Ling Tian's request, his straight nose bridge, lips as thin as cherry blossoms, and resolute and well-shaped jaw all the more set off his extraordinaryness.

The woman's gaze could no longer move the slightest when she saw Di Wushang.

After listening to the words of the Tianwu Sect disciples, the woman showed her determination to win, pointed to Di Wushang and said: "I, Wu Yue, have taken a fancy to you, from now on, you are my man, don't be afraid of being bullied by them. Tell me, what's your name? Where do you come from? Which sect or family do you belong to?"

A raccoon dog!
After hearing Wu Yue's words, Ling Tian opened his mouth slightly, admiring this woman's boldness.

"Wu Yue, this man trespassed on my Tianwuzong's spiritual treasure, do you think I can let him go?" Ji Xiang was displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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