My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 434 You are mine now

Chapter 434 You are mine now
"What? Just allow the life of the person you Ji Xiang likes, but not the person I Wu Yue likes? Your family opened the Tianwu Sect? Your father is the deputy suzerain, and my grandfather is the great elder!"

"Wu Yue, no matter how much you dislike me on weekdays, you know how precious this spiritual treasure is. Do you want this man to go in and share a share with us?"

"From now on, he's already mine, and what's his is mine. Do you have an opinion?"

Ling Tian was confused by these idiots.

A bunch of peat fools!
Have you asked their opinion?
"Xiao Tian'er, the woman with the highest strength in this group is this woman, the eighth rank of the Scarlet Spirit King. Are you sure you can handle it?"

Just when Ling Tian was extremely speechless, Di Wushang spoke.

The woman he was talking about was naturally threatening to marry Wu Yue, the tsundere phoenix from her family.

Ling Tian can only say that the life of an idiot makes people feel distressed.

I don't know when she found out that Di Wushang was the person who set up this enchantment, will there be the current Queen Fan!

"It's enough to deal with her. But I want to kill her last." Ling Tian replied.

"Yes. The order is up to you. But they must die." Di Wushang responded.

"I want to protect you, but you still want her to deal with me?" Wu Yue looked disbelieving and very hurt.

"Do you think she can deal with Miss Ben with her second-level Scarlet Spirit King, and she has just reached the second-level level?"

"Hahaha, Wu Yue, I can't think of you, who have always been proud and arrogant, for the first time when you fall in love with a man, and others not only look down on you, but even plan to kill you, it's so sad!" Ji Xiang laughed again stand up.

Wu Yue's face sank, and she said to Di Wushang: "You make me lose face! But don't worry, I won't kill you, I will kill the woman next to you and then torture you slowly. You don't love me for a year Fuck me, and I will torture you for ten years, 100 years! I want to see how arrogant you really are!"

"That's enough! Shut up! Don't think that you can talk nonsense just because you're an idiot! Believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth apart?"

Ling Tian was really angry.

How dare she threaten to torture her family Fenghuang for 100 years!

Why doesn't she go to heaven?
Ling Tian's threat not only did not attract the other party's vigilance, but instead provoked a group of disciples of Tianwuzong to laugh.

"It's noon, and the barrier is at its weakest now. Hurry up and kill this man, we're going to enter the treasure of the spirit master."

"I said, I want to make a decision on this man!" Wu Yue still refused to let go.

"Then kill the woman and the man together. Otherwise, if you keep consuming me like this, you will lose the best opportunity to enter the secret realm."

After all, Ji Xiang said to the disciples of Tianwu Sect behind him: "Go ahead and kill this man and woman!"

As for Ling Tian and Di Wushang, they were completely ignored from the beginning to the end.

Looking at the Tianwu Sect disciples rushing towards them, Ling Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

All the disciples here are above the level of Scarlet Spirit King, and there are more than 40 of them.

But Ling Tian, ​​who has advanced to the second level of alchemy stage, sees these people at this moment, but he doesn't feel any pressure.

"Beauty, I originally wanted to marry you back as a concubine, but in order to maintain the unity within Tianwuzong..."

Ji Xiang was still talking complacently, but before he could finish his sentence, Ling Tian had already raised his sword to the ground and ended the lives of six Tianwuzong disciples.

And at that moment!
Shocked, Ji Xiang and Wu Yue's eyes widened instantly, and they all looked at Ling Tian in disbelief.He rubbed his eyes, and rubbed his eyes again.

 (Looking for a ticket for sugar-fried chestnut flavor!!)

  Recommend my friend Tang Ermi's fantasy animal novel "Fierce Beasts and Beasts: Picking up a Wife and Giving Cubs", one-to-five, many beautiful men, super exciting! ! !When you go to her Wenwen's place for a walk, please tell her that you belong to Atom's family.


(End of this chapter)

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