Chapter 435
It was clearly just a low-level warrior of the second level of the Scarlet Spirit King. At this moment, facing a group of Tianwuzong disciples who were at least the second level of the Scarlet Spirit King was as easy as killing pigs and dogs.

On the other hand, what about their disciples of Tianwuzong?
When facing this woman, he seemed to have lost his soul, standing there waiting for others to kill him.

"What are you doing? Why don't you move? Move!"

Both Ji Xiang and Wu Yue put away their disdain just now, and started yelling at the disciples of Tianwuzong.

However, these people seem to be possessed by demons. After being targeted, they will surely die.

"This woman has demon skills, don't look into her eyes!"

As Wu Yue yelled out in horror, those Tianwuzong disciples who rushed slowly before and hadn't reached Ling Tian's side turned around in horror, ready to flee.

However, Ling Tian's mental power attack is not what they say they can escape.It's not that they can't be attacked without looking into Ling Tian's eyes.

With fewer frontal attacks from many people, Ling Tian harvested people's lives faster and faster.

This is a completely one-sided massacre.

A group of Tianwuzong disciples who were joking with each other before, scattered in horror at this moment.

And the situation of those Tianwuzong disciples who rushed towards Emperor Wushang was even more tragic.

Because when they felt that the spiritual power fluctuations emanating from Di Wushang's body were a little weaker than Ling Tian's, they thought that Di Wushang was a soft persimmon.

So almost the few disciples with the weakest strength all went to Emperor Wushang.

After he went there, he was still a hat away from the other party, and his figure was fixed by an extremely terrifying coercion, unable to move an inch.

A few had even jumped into the air and been nailed alive.

Although these disciples are nothing in front of Ji Xiang and Wu Yue, they are still the elites of Tianwuzong, and they are the first-level fighters of the Scarlet Spirit King!
Even the most powerful suzerain of their Tianwu Sect, it is impossible to freeze people in the air without hurting these disciples, right?


Obviously, it can only be done in a place that has reached the holy level!

" are a master of the spirit saint level? How could this be? How could a master of the spirit saint level enter this spiritual treasure?"

Ji Xiang looked at Di Wushang with a pale face, his whole body was not well.

It seems...he said just now that he wanted to marry this woman who was a master of the Holy Spirit and take her home as a concubine! ! !
With a stiff neck, Ji Xiang looked to the side where Wu Yue was, and wanted to ask Wu Yue what they should do.

But where is Wu Yue's figure behind him?
The woman had already seen that something was wrong, and flew away.

The place where they were located was not too far from the entrance, and experts above the level of the Orange Spirit King outside could not enter, nor could they detect the situation inside, but they could go out.

As long as they leave, there will be a way out.

Ji Xiang looked at Wu Yue who was about to fly to the entrance, and cursed the eighteenth generation of this woman's ancestors instantly in his heart.

Seeing that the spiritual master just cast a glance at him, and immediately focused his attention on the woman, Ji Xiang no longer dared to covet the secret treasure of the spiritual master, turned around and flew towards the exit.

"Senior Brother Ji, Senior Sister Wu, you can't leave us behind!"

Those Tianwuzong disciples who were scattered in all directions cried out in alarm, and rushed towards the entrance.

Ji Xiang secretly scolded those who did these bad things, and tried his best to increase the speed to the fastest.

Seeing that he was very close to the entrance of the secret store, and at this time, that bitch Wu Yue had already arrived at the entrance.

(End of this chapter)

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