My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 441 Soul Search

Chapter 441 Soul Search
"These nasty flies are dead, let's go burn incense for godfather and mother."

"En." Ling Tian nodded, and said, "Wait."

Suddenly, a wicked smile appeared on Ling Tian's bright face.

Following Ling Tian's smile, there was nothing there.

Onmyoji is really a somewhat evil profession.

Di Wushang prided himself on being well-informed, but when it came to onmyojis, he was completely inexperienced.

Just like now, it is clear to him that there is nothing in front of him, but he knows that where Xiao Tianer can see, there must be someone's soul wandering there.

Sure enough, Ling Tian's pleasant voice sounded.

"What? It's incredible? Didn't expect me to see you?"

I don't know what the other party said, Ling Tian said again: "You think you are a ghost below the spirit saint, and if the Netherworld doesn't accept you, you can let the birds fly high in the sky? Seeing how you hate me, do you still want to kill me? Are you going to turn into a ghost to harm me?

But it's a pity, I am an Onmyoji, and I was born to be the nemesis of you ghosts. "

After all, Ling Tian spread his palms.

Di Wushang slightly raised his eyebrows, he had no idea what his little Tianer was doing.

But where he couldn't see, a ghost butterfly flew out of Ling Tian's hand.

Mingdie quickly fluttered its wings and flew towards Wu Yue.

Wu Yue was terrified and wanted to run away, but now she was only a soul, although she was much stronger than an ordinary soul, but she couldn't compare with herself with a body.

And that butterfly is extremely weird, its flying speed is obviously extremely slow, but it can shorten the space.One moment he was still flying behind Wu Yue, the next moment he was in front of Wu Yue, and the next moment he was already stopped in front of Wu Yue.

A golden light shrouded down, and with Wu Yue's screams, it shrunk mercilessly until a human-shaped soul was compressed into a condensed spirit ball.

Ling Tian took Wu Yue's soul, branded it with his own mark, and threw it into the universe bag.

Just when Ling Tian was imprinting Wu Yue's soul, the little Nether Butterflies suddenly divided into 46 and flew towards every dead disciple of Tianwuzong.

Under the leadership of Ming Die, one by one Yuan Ling flew into Ling Tian's hands. Ling Tian stamped these Yuan Ling with his own mark, and then put them into the universe bag.

The Qiankun Bag is a space dedicated to holding spiritual bodies. In this space, Ah Xiang and Xu Yi sat opposite each other. Facing the continuous influx of Yuan Ling, both of them brightened their eyes and politely assigned Yuan Ling. After that, start to devour.

They are souls belonging to Ling Tian, ​​and these spirits that Ling Tian has imprinted with their souls have absolutely no obstacles for them to absorb them.

Di Wushang doesn't know at this moment, but in the near future, there will be two more superpowers in the universe bag of his little thing.And these two people improved their cultivation base by devouring other spirits—— Li Gui!
Looking at the spirit bear fixed in place, Di Wushang was about to slap it to death, but was stopped by Ling Tian.

"Little Tian'er, although this spirit bear has no contract partner, you already have Xiaobai, so you can no longer make a contract with it. What's more, it is simply incomparable with a monster like Xiaobai."

Ling Tian smiled mysteriously: "Then you have lifted its imprisonment now, and you can see what happens."

Just after Ling Tian killed Wu Yue, in order to prevent the spirit bear from avenging his master, Di Wushang physically immobilized it.

(End of this chapter)

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