Chapter 442 This...

Seeing Ling Tian's arrogant appearance, Di Wushang raised his brows slightly, and released the restraint on the spirit bear.

The spirit bear gave Di Wushang a horrified look, and got into Ling Tian's consciousness with a "whoosh" in fright.


Even the well-informed Di Wushang was also puzzled at this moment.

Seeing that Emperor Wushang was surprised, Ling Tian felt a sense of accomplishment.After all, you can't always be shocked by Di Wushang every time, she also has a secret, okay?

"Hee hee, come out."

After Ling Tian gave an order, Xiao Bai came out, followed by Little Bald, Black Panther, and then there were snakes, eagles, tigers, wolves...

These were all when Ling Tian was killing the elders of Yujianzong, he quickly branded their souls with his hands and feet while killing them, and before the spirit beasts of these people came out, they were directly taken back by her. knowledge.

Later, Emperor Wushang came and flattened the entire Yujianzong with one palm, causing all the high-level Yujianzong and their spirit beasts to be wiped out in an instant.So in the end she failed to get the spirit beast contracted by other people in Yujianzong.

Di Wushang was truly shocked when he saw a group of spirit beasts that had grown from small to large, lined up in line, and kept their bodies straight.

"Little Tianer, how did you do it?"

"After the masters of these spirit beasts were killed by me, I immediately collected their spirits and branded them with my own brand. These spirit beasts were originally contracted with the souls of their masters, and the souls of their masters After becoming my property, they will naturally become my spirit beasts!"

It can still be like this! ! !

Having lived in this continent for such a long time, Di Wushang, who thought he knew the rules of this continent very well, instantly felt that he was falling behind.

"Let's go, let's worship our godfather and mother!"

After Ling Tian took a group of spirit beasts that quickly turned into stupid and cute under the leadership of Xiaobai, a stupid tiger, into his consciousness, he took Di Wushang's hand and walked towards the tombs of Emperor Dongzhou and the empress.

In the upper reaches of this mountain range, there is a place surrounded by mountains on three sides, overlooking the great rivers and mountains downstream.The tombs of the Dongzhou Emperor and the Empress were built in the center of the upper reaches.

This is an anonymous tombstone, solemn and solemn.

Behind the tombstone is a towering tree that has grown for thousands of years, sheltering the tombstone from wind and rain all year round.

When he came to the tombstone, Di Wushang held Ling Tian's hand behind his back, then shook his hand in front of the tombstone, and said with a smile: "Godfather and mother, I haven't come here to see you for a long time. This time I will bring Xiaotian Here we come. Xiao Tian'er is very cute and has a cheerful personality. She was well-bred and has learned a lot of skills. You must be very happy to see her, right?"

After all, he said to Ling Tian: "This is my godfather and mother, you can say hello to them!"

Ling Tian felt a little strange about Di Wushang's introduction to her.

This was the first time she met his godfather, shouldn't he introduce who she is to him and how did they meet?

Being brought in front of Emperor Dongzhou and the Empress by Di Wushang, Ling Tian felt a little shy in an instant.

"Godfather, godmother, hello, I'm Ling Tian, ​​I'm 16 years old this year. I come from a small country in the outskirts of Moguo. I was born in a peaceful age and have never experienced war, but I have admired those big boys since I was a child." Heroes! Especially big heroes like you!"


  There are too many duplicate buildings, and I can’t delete them all. In the end, I can only look at the familiar names and skip them.

  Today I hope everyone builds buildings in a civilized manner, and don't exceed 2 lines.It doesn't count if it exceeds.Not not not not not not! ! !The babies who have won the lottery come to me quickly, qq2755579223, just indicate the winning reader.Tomorrow will add more.

(End of this chapter)

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