My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 443 I've gone astray!

Chapter 443 I've gone astray!
"Just now I heard Di Wushang talk about your past. Although I did not participate in that war, Di Wushang only mentioned it in one sentence when he spoke, but when I saw the battlefield where there was still no grass 20 years later, However, the shock it brought to me cannot be described in words.

Thank you for sacrificing your own lives to protect those of us who are to come.We will definitely live well and live positively!Live up to the heroes' hopes for us future generations! "

Ling Tian adored Emperor Dongzhou and the Empress so much, he kept expressing his heart, which made Di Wushang dumbfounded.

He brought the little princess back to meet his parents, not to visit the graves of martyrs.Seeing her excited face patting her chest, Di Wushang once again had the urge to touch his forehead.

"Little Tian'er, they are my parents, that is, your parents. Facing your parents, can say something else."

"Yeah." Ling Tian nodded obediently, and spoke again to the tombstone.

"Godfather, godmother, although my current strength is low, I still need Di Wushang to protect me. But I will definitely work hard to cultivate. I want to emulate godmother, and one day, I will be able to stand beside Di Wushang , Standing side by side with him, protecting his safety, not letting him get hurt at all.

Don't worry, I am definitely a reliable girl, I will treat Di Wushang very well and will not let him be wronged.If you all know, feel free to hand him over to me! "

Although Ling Tian's words moved Di Wushang very much, he was still speechless.

His little boy is really...

Good man!
Godfather and Godmother must be the same when they hear Xiao Tianer's words, they can't laugh or cry!
Even if it was her in-laws who were buried here, how could any girl make such a guarantee with the man's parents?

Di Wushang took Ling Tian's hand and said to the tombstone: "Godfather and mother, don't worry, I will treat Xiaotian well, love her, take care of her, and don't let her suffer any grievances. Next time When I bring Xiao Tianer here again, she will be my wife."

You can rest assured to give her to me!
Di Wushang added silently in his heart.

"Why did you say the same thing as me? You're not sincere!" Ling Tian was dissatisfied and pouted.

Ling Tian is like a proud little princess, with a proud face.

Di Wushang couldn't help laughing out loud, rubbed Ling Tian's head and said, "I'm your future husband-in-law, loving you, loving you, and protecting you is also my responsibility, isn't it?"

"Hmph." Ling Tian snorted, his cheeks were flushed, and he was afraid to face the tombstone.

She is an orphan and has no experience with her parents, and she doesn't know how to talk to the man's parents.

So it always seems a little awkward.

Di Wushang's eyes were filled with distress at Ling Tian's little tweaking.

His little Tian'er was supposed to live in a luxurious palace like the stars and the moon, be loved by thousands of people, and receive the best education.

But now that her country is ruined and her family is ruined, she has nothing but him.Even he has no way to marry her in front of the world after confirming that she is his fiancée.

"Little Tian'er, in front of my godfather and mother today, I swear: I, Emperor Wushang, will only love you and love you alone in this life, and I will do my best to give you the best and do my best to make you happy. One day, I will definitely make you the happiest girl and the noblest princess in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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