My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 444 Marriage Proposal?

Chapter 444 Marriage Proposal?
"At that time, I will hold the grandest wedding in front of the world and make you the happiest bride. Are you willing to wait for me?"

Is this... a marriage proposal?


So carefully in front of the godfather and mother, it should be a marriage proposal!
Ling Tian's face instantly turned red with embarrassment.

But at the moment her heart is very happy.

"I feel that I am now the happiest girl and the noblest princess."

Di Wushang looked at Ling Tian with blushing cheeks, and couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her deeply on the lips.

This kiss does not contain eager ravages, but domineering tenderness and gentle pampering.

The masculinity like pine and bamboo blows to the face.

"These are not enough, one day, I will make you a real little princess."

Take back everything that belongs to you!
Di Wushang silently added.

"Will you wait for me?"

"En." Ling Tian nodded happily.

In fact, he didn't know that at this moment, she already felt that she couldn't be happier.

To have such an outstanding man who is destined to know and love him, and who treats him so well, Ling Tian feels that he must have stepped on a super big piece of shit.

Fortunately, Ling Tian lamented that Emperor Wushang didn't know about his shit luck. He had to know that he regarded her as the most precious treasure of time, but this stinky girl treated him like a big pile of shit. Moment will be broken.

If you don't yell at this stinky girl in front of your godfather and godmother, this anger will definitely be unbearable.

Di Wushang and Ling Tian exchanged heartfelt words in front of the tombstone, and their feelings quickly sublimated.

But outside the Lingzun's secret storehouse, it has already become a mess.

"Who? Who the hell? Who killed my Xiang'er?"

Ji Ming, deputy master of Tianwuzong, stared at the shattered soul orb in his hand, his eyes were red, like a raging lion.

The other elders and disciples of the sect looked at his furious look, and lowered their heads one after another, not daring to speak.

Especially those disciples of the Great Elder's faction, they dare not use words to provoke him at this moment.

Only one sect of the Tianwu Sect entered the secret storehouse of the Spiritual Venerable. If anyone dared to kill Ji Xiang, then the only one who could possibly be Wu Yue, the granddaughter of the Great Elder who did not deal with Ji Xiang.

"The Great Elder is here!"

Someone called out, and the deputy suzerain, Ji Ming, shot up like a cannonball, and quickly came to the air, blocking the way of the great elder.

"Wu Ren, it's all your granddaughter's good deeds! You think I'm really afraid of you when I put up with you on weekdays? If you don't give me an explanation today, even if I die, Ji Ming will drag you down !"

Ji Ming didn't see the sadness on the elder's face at the moment.

After hearing Ji Ming's words, the elder Wu Ren's face instantly became terribly gloomy, and he asked in a deep voice, "Ji Xiang is also dead?"

"Huh!" Ji Ming snorted coldly, and was about to choke the other party, but was suddenly taken aback.

"Also? What do you mean?" Immediately, Ji Ming's face changed, and he said in astonishment: "Could it be that Wu Yue also..."

The Great Elder spread out his palm, and in his palm, the soul orb representing Wu Yue had also been shattered.

Although soul orbs are expensive, they are not particularly rare in the interior. Those who have the conditions will buy soul orbs and inject the spiritual consciousness of people they care about into soul orbs.Once the body dies, the soul orb will shatter.

Ji Ming staggered two steps in the air, with a look of disbelief and disbelief.

Although the Great Elder had a discord with the deputy suzerain Ji Ming because of Wu Yue's original cause, but facing the common enemy at this moment, the two of them stood on the same front in tacit understanding for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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