My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 445 Disgusting!

Chapter 445 Disgusting!

"The only people who went in were the disciples of my Tianwuzong. Among these disciples, Wu Yue and Ji Xiang were the most powerful. Could it be that... besides this enchantment, there is a hidden murderous intent in the spiritual treasure?" The elder's eyes slightly Narrowly guessed.

"Impossible!" The deputy suzerain shook his head: "At that time, we guessed that there should be only a tomb of clothing in the secret treasure of the spiritual master. After all, in the war that year, everyone blew themselves up, and there can't be a lot of rare treasures in it. .Since there are no treasures, there is no need to make the entrances everywhere like other secret treasures, killing every step of the way. Otherwise, I would not dare to let Xianger go in and explore. Didn’t the Great Elder think the same as me at that time?”

The Great Elder was sinking, so someone ran up from the bottom of the mountain and reported out of breath: "Just now the disciples saw a flying boat flying by in the sky from the bottom of the mountain, coming towards the secret treasure."

The Great Elder and the Deputy Sect Master hurriedly fell from the sky. The Deputy Sect Master grabbed the disciple's collar, his eyes widened and he asked, "What did you say? Flying boat?"

"How could there be a flying boat coming here? Could it be that the person who came here on the flying boat..."

"The person who set up the barrier?" the Great Elder and the Deputy Sect Master said in unison, with unstoppable fear in their eyes.

The flying boat is a super luxury that can only be owned by extremely powerful people in the Central Continent.

Unless it is a first-rate force, it is difficult to possess even the second-rate strength of the Central Continent.

Those who can drive a flying boat here must have a status in the Central Continent that is either rich or noble.

And what kind of person would drive a flying boat to this place where no shit?
They wouldn't believe it if they said about tomb robbery.

The tomb of Emperor Dongzhou is only of interest to those of the small sect, who want to get some things that others don't like, such as letters, books of rites, or records and martial arts secrets.Those who have the conditions to fly the flying boat must not look down on the things inside.

Since they still want to come after they don't like it, then the reason why these people came to this secret store is ready to be revealed in an instant.

These people are related to Emperor Dongzhou.And the relationship is extraordinary!
"Elder, what... what should I do?"

Where does the vice suzerain Ji Ming still have the appearance of rage just now?The whole person was replaced by extreme panic.

The Great Elder's face turned from red to livid in an instant.

After concentrating for a moment, the great elder said: "The old man will go back immediately and report this matter to the suzerain."

After finishing speaking, he flew onto the flying beast and prepared to leave.


The deputy suzerain Ji Ming stopped in front of the elder at the first time, and said with a sneer, "Wu Ren, you have the highest martial arts here, and if you want to stay, you should be the one to stay. This suzerain should go to inform you?"

"Can your strength be as high as mine? Can your speed be as fast as mine?"

"As the Great Elder of the Dharma Protector of the sect, what you should do at this moment is not to report the news, but to stay here."

The Great Elder twisted his expression, and said in silence for a moment: "Ji Ming, instead of arguing with the old man here, you might as well go back to the sect with the old man to report this matter."

"The Great Elder is right!"

Almost without thinking about it, the two leaders of Tianwuzong, the great elder and the deputy suzerain, left behind all the disciples and elders of Tianwuzong and prepared to escape under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Using disciples of the sect as gunmen, seeing that the tomb robbery is unsuccessful and wanting to escape, don't care whether the disciples live or die, it's really disgusting!"

(End of this chapter)

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