My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 446 Well Killed!

Chapter 446 Well Killed!

When a strange woman's voice came, both the First Elder and the Deputy Suzerain were shocked, and looked at the source of the voice.

There was nothing there at first, but soon, a man with long silver-gray hair and an extremely powerful aura walked out slowly, leading a woman in a water-red dress.

The two were completely unaffected by the people and influence of the enchantment, and the enchantment seemed to be integrated with the aura on their bodies.

With just one glance, everyone can see——

This man is the strong spiritual master who set up the secret treasure of the spiritual master!Otherwise, it is impossible for them not to be restricted by the enchantment!
Every time these two people took a step outside, it was as if they were stepping on the hearts of the First Elder and the Deputy Suzerain. It was clear that the two were at high altitude at the moment, while Di Wushang and Ling Tian were below, but they felt deeply I realized my own insignificance and vulnerability.

Ling Tian looked at the First Elder and the Deputy Suzerain and asked, "Wu Yue's grandfather? Ji Xiang's father?"

The Great Elder and the Deputy Sect Master were excited, and quickly flew down from the air, clasped their fists at Ling Tian and Di Wushang in fear, and said, "Gu... miss, do you know Wu Yue and Ji Xiang?"

"That's right! I killed them both."

Ling Tian didn't give any face, and directly admitted that their son and granddaughter were killed by her, looking like they were going to make trouble.

"You must be very sad, right? Just be sad! Because this is the anger and sadness in our hearts when you robbed our relatives' graves."

If Ling Tian was filled with righteous indignation, he thought it would attract the other party's desperation, but who knew——

"Good kill!"

"Yes, the girl killed well!"

"We just asked them to go in to make sure whose tombstone it was, but they disobeyed the order and attempted to rob the tomb. It's unforgivable!"

The words of the great elder and the deputy suzerain attracted the participation of other elders of Tianwuzong, who also joined in one after another.

"That's right! My Tianwu Sect actually has such a contemptible disciple, it's a disgrace to the sect!"

"Fortunately, the girl killed them! If the girl didn't kill them, we will kill this group of self-assertive and disobedient disciples after they come out!"

"It's so outrageous! The people who can set up the tombstone here are definitely the heroes who participated in the great war. How can they covet the tomb of the hero? The sect has urged it to be respectful. They actually did something like this!"

Ling Tian: ...! !

Ling Tian discovered that since she came to this Hunyuan Continent, her definition of the word "shameless" has been constantly refreshing.

People here respect martial arts, and the strong are the law and reason.

In addition, strong force can extend the lifespan of these people, and the extended lifespan can allow them to have more children, so even if their own sons or granddaughters die, as long as they don't die, it is a blessing.

"What do you tell them so much? Don't you feel sick?"

Di Wushang looked at Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian nodded, "I think so."

"Since you have the guts to steal the tomb of Emperor Dongzhou, you should have the awareness to bear the revenge of his relatives."

"Dear... Relatives? Emperor Dongzhou actually has relatives?"

The Great Elder looked at Di Wushang in horror, his heart was extremely shocked.

Didn't the whole family of Emperor Dongzhou die?Didn't even the friends who had a good relationship with him die?How can there still be relatives?
"What? Looking at you, you seem to know something?" Di Wushang, who was about to strike, stopped the killing.

(two more chapters to follow)

(End of this chapter)

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