My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 448 Jin King of Central Continent——Emperor Wushang!

Chapter 448 Jin King of Central Continent——Emperor Wushang!

And if the guess is correct, this huge force is Central Continent.And Zhongzhou should also be the one who stabbed his godfather and mother in the back 20 years ago, whom Di Wushang called "his own person".

For the flying boat, one hundred kilometers is within the blink of an eye.

When Ling Tian's miniature flying boat appeared in the sky above Tianwuzong, it instantly alarmed everyone in Tianwuzong.

The flying boat is the symbol of the highest power in the Central Continent.It is simply not something that small sects under the command of their remote empire can imagine.

Soon, a woman flew out of Tianwuzong's sect with a dozen people.After flying to the front of the flying boat and stopping, he cupped his fists very politely and said: "Meng Yulan, the lord of the Tianwu Sect under the command of the Great Desert Empire, and the elders of the sect, pay a visit to my lord. The presence of your lord makes my Tianwu Sect radiant, I don't know Which seat is visiting my Tianwuzong?"

"Xiao Tian'er, wait for me in the flying boat, and I'll come after I've dealt with them."

"En." Ling Tian nodded.

The top master of the empire is the peak of the Orange Spirit King, and the top master of the empire is the peak of the Huang Lingsheng.

Although the suzerain of Tian Wuzong is only a female stream, his strength has definitely reached between the peak of the Orange Spirit King and the peak of the Huang Lingsheng.

Ling Tian would not be so stupid as to think that he could kill such a person.

So in order not to cause trouble for Di Wushang, Ling Tian obediently stayed inside, waiting for Di Wushang to deal with the matter.

Dragons have inverse scales, and they will die if touched.

Di Wushang is a good man who values ​​love and righteousness. Even though his godfather and mother have passed away for 20 years, he is still the most untouchable villain in him.

Whoever touches it dies.No fluke.

"Are all the high-level members of Tianwuzong here?" Di Wushang asked straight to the point after he left.

"My lord, yes. This is Meng Yulan, the suzerain of the Tianwu Sect. May I ask your lord who is..."

Although Di Wushang still wore a half-mask on his face at the moment, Meng Yulan couldn't look away after seeing him with his aura that was more moist than the moon and more dazzling than the sun.

After living for more than 300 years, she has never seen a man who is more dazzling than this man, and who can attract her heart more.

Meng Yulan's gaze made Ling Tian very unhappy, and he wanted to pick it off.

If it wasn't for her low strength, she couldn't beat them at all. With her character, she must have rushed out to defend her sovereignty at this moment.

Di Wushang did not answer Meng Yulan. In his eyes, Meng Yulan and the rest of the Tianwu Sect were already dead.

But what Di Wushang didn't expect was that he thought no one knew him, but someone helped him to report his family name.

"Jin...His Royal Highness King Jin?!"

Following the sound of an exclamation, a figure in a water-red dress rushed towards Di Wushang like a butterfly, but stopped not far in front of Meng Yulan.

"His Royal Highness Jin, why are you here? Does my father know that you are coming? This... what should we do? We didn't know you were coming, and we didn't make any preparations!"

The woman in the water-red dress was obviously excited, and she danced with her arms and legs.

"King Jin? Princess, the King Jin you are talking about is..."

Seeing that Meng Yulan's eyes were almost glued to Di Wushang's body, the red-clothed woman instantly became unhappy, summoned the spiritual energy in her body, and threatened the entire Tianwu Sect loudly: "Keep down quickly, please!" ! The one standing in front of you is the seventeenth prince of Emperor Zhongzhou, King Jin—Di Wushang!"

Spoiler 1: With the exposure of his identity, Di Wushang will lead to a fatal disaster.Can he and Xiao Tian'er survive and defeat the enemy?

Spoiler 2: Huahua showed great kindness, picked up an injured man on the road, and was eaten to the bone, who is that man?Can she escape the clutches of the man safely?

Tomorrow's 50 chapters, 50 chapters, and 50 chapters will be updated, and the above two problems will be solved at once.because--

It will be put on the shelves tomorrow (receive money)!

I won't say anything about the testimonials.

I kneel!

I got down on my knees and begged everyone to subscribe!
360-degree Thomas in the air swivels the kind of kneeling glass in the snow!

Who the hell is Gu Qianchou?How can he get together with Huahua?Who is the man at the beginning of the night?What kind of bullshit would it take to take down Ye Chuchen's evildoer?What kind of inextricable connection will there be between the men of the two sisters and Di Wushang?The content will be cleared up one by one after it is put on the shelves.

Babies, I write novels just like your parents work to earn money to support the family.This book has been free for nearly half a year, and it's time for me to reflect the value of my labor, so I hope that I like my baby, and I can save a piece of ice cream money tomorrow to subscribe to my 50 chapters, and I will also let you I deeply experienced the warmth of Phoenix and Xiao Tian'er who would rather go to death hand in hand and never leave when facing a real powerful enemy!

Tomorrow will see how much you love me!

If you want the horse to run, please feed the horse grass!Use your book coins to feed my horse, which has been eating dirt for almost half a year!What does grass smell like?Is it sweet?baa~
(End of this chapter)

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